Comment history

CommonSense says...

What an idiot. Same sex marriage is the least of the worries of this sinking ship called The Bahamas. Why anyone would want to get married in this archaic society - gay or straight - is beyond me. Watch how the mindless Bahamians are swept up in this complete nonissue, forgetting the real issues at me see...CRIME?! Focus people!!! Stop worrying about something that will not affect you whether it happens or not. What's the worst that can happen from gay marriage? Absolutely nothing. Now compare that to what can happen if you get caught in the cross-hairs of a stray bullet. Absolutely everything. Don't be sidetracked.

CommonSense says...

How does gay marriage affect you directly?

On Christie says no to gay marriage

Posted 8 August 2014, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Then we'd die from a lack of oxygen which the trees provide or from an abundance of c02 which the trees decrease

CommonSense says...

Exactly! As a matter of fact, power is STILL off in many areas and went off AGAIN after 7 this morning in others! Disgrace!

CommonSense says...

This is extremely sad. What's even more sad is that the Ranfurly Home has an administrative office (pictured above) that looks better than its dormitories. I was shocked when I went to drop off clothing and how modern the offices are.

On another note, our government would rather spend money on a house for the Prime Minister to entertain in, an increase in MPs salaries, and a host of other foolishness instead of focusing on important things like Education and Social Services. Disgrace. I hope all of us in the private sector step up to the plate and do all that we can to ensure that these children aren't left displaced.

CommonSense says...

For once I agree with Branville. Do we really want Lady Pindling running our country? I should think not. No to Lady Pindling and no to McWeeney as well because I have a feeling he's being considered as well.

On Successor to Sir Arthur has been chosen

Posted 25 June 2014, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Are we all not "potential criminal elements"? You're ignorant.

CommonSense says...

HA! Look at this...all along everyone has been griping about how they believe we need to get rid of the Privy everyone is rejoicing for the Privy Council's intervention. You people speak with two mouths! You want the Privy Council to step in when it suits you! Privy Council says no to hanging "Why they making decisions for us?!" Privy Council says no to dredging "Thank God for the Privy Council!" This right here is exactly why the Privy Council can still override our courts...we as Bahamians are too wishy washy and blow with the wind.

CommonSense says...

I'm seriously wondering if this whole government is just playing one huge prank on us because they CAN'T be serious! Really?! This woman?! Please tell me this is a joke.

CommonSense says...

I don't care how loud she had her headphones in...gunshots are LOUD. She should have heard.