Comment history

CommonSense says...

He's more concerned with his safety than asserting that he's not guilty which is what these folks usually do. Looks like this one knows he's guilty. Lose him in HMP.

CommonSense says...

The real question is...who is this woman that's running this operation?! How haven't they caught her yet? It sounds like it's the same woman and FPO is only so big...the police more than likely tried to cover this up but the families are starting to get antsy and are contacting the papers...

Find this mystery woman and the truth will come out.

CommonSense says...

The plot thickens! I remember when this story was first published and Todd Walsh was in the comments section refuting the same allegations. I find it interesting that he's asserting that he and Nelly weren't lovers...yet he kissed her and held her hand in 2012 but didn't "hurt her feelings" until 2012. Why the long wait Todd? (I know you'll be scouring the comments under this story soon). You expect us to believe that you liked this woman...then all of a sudden didn't like her and you guys weren't lovers but you came all the way to The Bahamas to spend time with her? Amazing!

This man is flopping to-and-fro he's making himself look more and more like a suspect each day. Now her family is giving additional details that Toddy didn't bother to share. They're closing in on the real story, let's see if Khrishna furthers her "investigation".

CommonSense says...

Don't expect much "investigative work" from these reporters. They can hardly string together a proper sentence or write an article that doesn't have spelling errors. I don't know whether to blame the reporters themselves or their editor who obviously doesn't do much in the way of editing in the first place.

CommonSense says...

So...publishing an article that states that we shouldn't tell Wall Street about our 'dirty laundry' isn't indirectly telling them that we have dirty laundry that we feel needs to be hidden? Who the hell comes up with these things? If you don't want them to know then why is this article even here?!

CommonSense says...

Branville will turn this place into a Dictatorship. He's power hungry and although a few of his ideas could work if executed correctly you can tell by his attitude that he's going to choose the worst route in which to implement them. I've had conversations with Branville and he has a very archaic way of thinking. He's of the "women should submit to men", "parents should suffer for the crimes of their children" mentality which, in 2014, scares me. Take a look at his old party-mates as well. Matter of fact, just look at one of them, Rodney Moncur. Those folks believe this is the 1930s.

The Napoleon Complex is spot on. He wants to be a leader so bad that he'll say anything that Bahamians want to hear and right now...crime is the number one conversation.

He may have a chance in the next elections in that people have now seen that the PLP is a definitive no and as long as Minnis is leader, the FNM is a no as well.

CommonSense says...

SMFT why is the Christian Council still attempting to call the shots on anything?! These people have an issue with every single thing that doesn't concern them. These are personal choices that people make in regards to their own lives. You want to gamble? Fine! Let the government make money off of you when you lose. You want to watch BET? Fine! But nooo the Christian Council has nothing better to do than to dictate what Bahamians should and should not be allowed to do in the privacy of their own homes.

Why is this even still in existence?

CommonSense says...

The government and both local & international communities are putting so much pressure on the police force to solve these murders that these officers are just picking up anyone that they feel looks suspicious and forcing them to admit to various crimes. I wonder how many innocent persons are in Fox Hill as it is...

Come on RBPF stop crumbling under pressure and do your jobs right! This man has witnesses and possible footage of him being where he said he was. How was he even brought before the courts without all of this being checked out?! It takes nothing to get the footage from a camera and in most cases the footage only remains on the tape for about 30 days. How much do you want to bet that these jokers will either destroy the footage or wait until the time runs out on the tape and the footage no longer exists. Only an idiot would send the police to look at footage that he knows doesn't exist.

CommonSense says...

The MP's in this administration that don't even really know the logistics of this crime situation are the ones that are most vocal! Bernard Nottage has his mouth pinned as usual...probably somewhere sleeping. This government needs to designate someone to handle their Public Relations so that whatever statements are made are done so at the approval of both the PM and BN if he can manage to stay up long enough to read what has been written.

CommonSense says...

You must have your head buried...I won't say where. We have one of the highest crime rates in this region and in this world per capita. Do your research before you spew foolishness in attempts of minimizing this crime issue with that, "it's bad here but worse elsewhere!" mentality. Go and look to see if the country they come from has tourism as its #1 industry.

What are people to do BUT turn their heads the other way when they report crimes and we have no witness protection? When the same persons that are supposed to keep the information confidential let it slip out and you can't sleep at night because the criminals know you spoke up.

Get real.