Comment history

CommonSense says...

BYE! Either lower your ridiculously overpriced items or suffer the consequences! We have options now and online is the way to go. You guys charge us for the cost of the item, plus the VAT you paid, plus the VAT that WE have to pay, plus the duty that you're charged to bring it in, PLUS your own markup prices. Shopping here is absolute hell!

CommonSense says...

Carl's had horrible service (especially at the Carmichael location) and their prices were too high for subpar food and service. Ultimately, it was the employees' faults because they're responsible for preparing the food and providing the service. I'm not surprised that they're closing down already. We have enough burger joints. Bring a Pollo Tropical!

On AML Foods closes Carl’s Jr franchise

Posted 12 December 2017, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

These people have to stop with the robberies. It's at a point now where people can't even pull up to their homes without some a** threatening them for their own belongings. The government needs to look into slowly but surely installing cameras on every street in Nassau. Of course this may be wishful thinking on my part but if they don't do it then Bahamians should purchase their own security systems for their houses to make sure that even if they get robbed, they can plaster the faces of the perpetrators all over town until they're caught. This is beyond ridiculous now.

On Man shot at tattoo shop

Posted 23 November 2017, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

$7M a year?? I'm sure that they can find somewhere for them that costs far less even when the facility's capabilities are considered.

On Patients are trapped by lack of funds

Posted 19 September 2017, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

LOLOL 3am?! These people never learn. I'm sure another 'pineapple express' is going to open and they'll be right there waiting to join!

CommonSense says...

“My wife Susie, is a minister of the gospel" - okay AND? I never understood why people mention religious affiliations to make themselves (or others) seem credible.

On Senator attacks raid film

Posted 18 August 2017, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

“Listen I told you over and over,” he told a reporter. “I don’t know what about the English language you don’t understand. The government, just like the Bahamian people, we want to see Baha Mar functioning to provide jobs and opportunities for Bahamians and we’ll work towards that goal.” - WOW! This is concerning. I'm having a bit of Buyer's remorse here. This was a major campaign promise and yet here you are, not fulfilling that promise and then you have the NERVE to be stink about it!

On Minnis is defensive on Baha Mar

Posted 29 June 2017, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

These people so slick man! How does one even get the idea to do something like this? Criminal minds...

CommonSense says...

There's a Physician in the sky?? On a plane or what?

CommonSense says...

Boy BYE!!!! Separation of church and state is a serious thing! This country would be in a much better state if everyone wasn't trying to run it like a church!!!