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CommonSense says...

I'd rather the "shoot-to-kill" than the "shoot-in-leg-out-on-bail-in-2-weeks" routine that's we've been going through

On Man reportedly pulled knife after pursuit

Posted 3 October 2014, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Isn't Mark Humes also a DNA candidate? He's probably getting something out of this 400,000!

CommonSense says...

What in the hell does this have to do with this article? I believe you may be in need of a "Reality_Check".

CommonSense says...

Where the hell was I?

CommonSense says...

I don't know who the hell to believe.

CommonSense says...

I'm a Fort Charlotte constituent that didn't vote for Rollins and definitely won't vote for him in the next election either. He has more to say about his "friend" Renward Wells than he has to say about the ridiculous number of crimes that exist in our constituency. Really and truly, why do we have MPs serving in constituencies that they don't live in? This man knows nothing about what we go through on a day-to-day basis! Vote him and the rest of these clowns out.

On PLP chairman hits out at MP

Posted 24 September 2014, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

Tell Sebas and Flowers to stop crying like they don't make millions off of these same numbers. These fees are nothing to them.

CommonSense says...

Whether crime is down or not doesn't change the fact that it's still too damn high

CommonSense says...

Sinking ship I tell ya. Yet that fool in the khaki uniform has the nerve to emphatically say crime is down! You can't make this stuff up.


Posted 19 September 2014, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

That $4million he's getting today is barely a drop in the bucket to the $55million that must be paid to the fuel suppliers!!! His 100+ thousand can go a long way towards helping as well! Leslie you are a joke. This was a wise decision but you are joke. Tell the hotels that they have until the end of next week to pay their FULL amounts or they'll be disconnected. Disconnect yourself at the same time.