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Concerned says...

In the real world, if you know of a crime and do not report it, you go to jail. wake up!! i would hope that the community would tell the police who the robber was. These students knew who their fellow perpetrators were but decided to cover up for them and them come cry later.

Concerned says...

That former principal deserves to get slapped and kicked in his butt for such a stupid, self-serving, self-promoting statement. Now I see how and when the degradation of students' character and behaviour began.... under his leadership as principal. Thank God he's out of the system now and not out destroying the morals of more young people due to his slack, incompetent leadership.

Concerned says...

A few things:
- Money is the root of all evil.

- Building true character is priceless.

- I would not count a jitney full, truck bed full and a mega dance line "a small number"

- If there are so few guilty ones involved and prom and graduation means so much to the students, why haven't they come forward with the names of the true guilty party?

- Many of these angels are 18yrs old or soon to be 18. Regardless of age they are all moving into the big world. If lessons aren't learned now, when and who will teach them? Definitely don't expect them to learn from our politicians and government leaders.

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 20 June 2013, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

Not only didn't the good students not warn the school beforehand but after they problem kicked up they had the option to list all of the students that were involved but they refused. So...... that made them all guilty; either by involvement or by covering it up. In some circles, that's considered a crime as much as the person who actually did the criminal act. But not in the Bahamas, we celebrate it.

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 20 June 2013, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

God help us all. We need it. The "innocent" students fully knew which of their peers were involved in the incidences but they refused to identify the guilty to the school administrators. Consider the lesson in that. What happens to a nation who people see and know wrong but refuse to something about it because without their evidence, the authorities have no proof. .......and we congratulate and celebrate this... and call it determination and vision. A sad reality of our society.

Concerned says...

In the Bahamas, actions appear to not have any consequences. The spirit of piracy still prevails among us. There are no take backs and no do-overs. These kids..... their parents especially, and the entire Bahamas has learned much from this St. John's incident. The Anglican Education Authority should be applauding for beginning the move towards saving what's left of our country. Now, if we can only begin holding our parliamentarians and government leaders equally accountable, we may stand a very good chance to turn this great little country around.

Concerned says...

Well said.

On Why blame the Anglican Education

Posted 18 June 2013, 12:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

I fully agree with this post. Members of Parliament, Cabinet ministers and our Prime Minister can learn much from the decisive, hard and resolute decision made by the bishop. Well done, Bishop, well done indeed.

On Uproar over decision to cancel graduation

Posted 18 June 2013, 12:13 a.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...…
Why does our Prime Minister not know that he and his government already have the authority and power to combat crime but as long as they allow a few criminal elements to hold their reins, nothing will ever change? In the words of Hubert Ingraham, "stand up christie!!"

On PM speaks out after latest murders

Posted 5 June 2013, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

Why use such a silly word as "empanelled" in a public newspaper? How many average readers do you expect to know what that word means? Not only is it a silly choice of words to seem highly intellectual but you used the silly word twice - just so you can seem even more intellectual. Over and over again, I dread Mr. Johnson's writing style. Save it for the PhD students.

On Man denies sex with girl, 9

Posted 24 May 2013, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal