Comment history

ConcernedTraveler says...

I guess no one travels to other countries... Every country has some sort of regulation, lengthy paperwork, testing requirements, etc. etc... The Bahamas has taken on the extra task to offer our visitors travel health insurance at a minimal cost that covers Covid and med-evac. BRAVO!

I recently travelled to another Caribbean country where not only as a vaccinated person did I have to take a PCR test within 72hours, submit lengthy paperwork and sign various documents agreeing to their lockdown and Covid protocols... Solicit the response to my paperwork as it never arrived up to a few hours before my departure! BUT on arrival you have to go through a health screening and paperwork check - as if you never submitted it to anyone... all in a hot tent with little ventilation and no social distancing - my tenure in that tent was over an hour... Is that healthy? And all that before Immigration and Customs.

Compare it to arrivals into the Bahamas - show your health visa to the immigration officer - you're done! And replying to 5 health related emails (one per day) is not going to kill anyone who is glued to their device anyway.

We all need to get on with the reality that to travel this is going to be the norm for years to come. Stop complaining and work on reducing the spread.

On Salvage what tourism is available

Posted 11 November 2021, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

ConcernedTraveler says...

Can someone post the actual law of where it says that the employer must pay?

On Council to seek consensus over COVID testing

Posted 11 September 2021, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ConcernedTraveler says...

How about Mr. Woods encourages all workers get vaccinated - which is FREE!!! then no one (employer or worker) has to pay for any tests!

On Council to seek consensus over COVID testing

Posted 2 September 2021, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ConcernedTraveler says...

We don't want to go back to lock-downs, closed borders etc. The restrictions killed us all, but if we don't take heed we'll be right back there... closed - no tourists no jobs. Forget the testing requirements - the tourists that wanted to be here did it without complaints... and they are happy to do it and keep doing it.

The unions and medical community need to encourage all to get their vaccine and follow the protocols so we can eradicate the spread. Education is key... everyone needs to stop spreading the misleading WhatsApp messages.

If we stop the spread the levels will come down, and by virtue so will the rating!

Get your head out of the sand Bahamas! Help yourself not look for a handout!