Comment history

ConchyJ says...

Cracking down on "irrational overseas investments"...too late! $4.2 Billion for Baha Mar...silly chinese!!

On Alert over China strategy switch

Posted 22 August 2017, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ConchyJ says...

Bad Karma!! This place will never open. Christie thought siding with the Chinese and screwing American workers and vendors was a good idea?? What a moron!! Where do you think all those tourists come from? Hopefully, no US citizens will visit that joke of a property with their fake owners an no lounge chairs. Shame on CCA, shame on EXIM Bank. shame on the Chinese and Bahamian governments that allowed this travesty of justice. You should be begging Sarkis to take this over and make amends to the US people and companies that you screwed over!!

ConchyJ says...

Well, well, well isn't it ironic that the EXIM Bank of China did not approve to pay any US vendors or former US employees any of the monies owed to them and now they think US companies or US citizens will assist or patronize that crooked establishment. Shame on those people that blindly allowed the Chinese government to take the property from Sarkis! Oh and CCA has the balls to petition a US Court in FL for their chairs...your whole country is a joke and we can't wait to protest at the court house for all the world to see how crooked you are!! You reap what you sow bitches!!

On CCA fearing Baha Mar completion miss

Posted 3 July 2017, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

ConchyJ says...

Why would any US citizen want to stay at Baha Mar and patronize the Chinese and Bahamian governments that intentionally screwed over all US employees and vendors by choosing not to pay them any back wages or monies owed. Show your support for your fellow US citizens by spending your vacation dollars in Mexico, Jamaica, Virgin Islands, Hawaii....anywhere that they value and respect our country's citizens!

On Sarkis: Halt the Baha Mar sale

Posted 27 June 2017, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ConchyJ says...

Shouldn't the expat employees and other vendors receive the funds that are due to them if the property was "handed over" or since it has not technically been sold we will have to wait some more!!

On Baha Mar is 'handed over'

Posted 23 March 2017, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ConchyJ says...

It is time to let all US citizens know how unfairly US workers and vendors have been treated. We will ask all to show the Bahamian government their displeasure by choosing other destinations for their vacations, group travel and business travel until a fair and reasonable decision has been made. I truly feel sorry for all of the wonderful friends and people we have worked with and hope they understand that we wish no ill will towards them or their families and hope they will show support for us in the upcoming election!

ConchyJ says...

Why would any US citizen want to support the Bahamas after witnessing the unfair treatment of their fellow citizens? Fortunately there are other great alternatives like Cuba, BVI, Cancun/Cozumel, Puerto Rico, etc., etc., etc.......

On No payout for foreign worker at Baha Mar

Posted 10 March 2017, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ConchyJ says...

Well it look like the US expats and vendors will have to resort to social media and protests at the Bahamian consulates in Miami, DC and New York to bring attention to this unfair treatment of US citizens. May we remind you that over 80% of the visitors to the Bahamas are from the US so they all must be made aware so they can spend their vacation dollars in Cuba, Mexico, the BVI and any other place that does not discriminate against US citizens. How sad!!

ConchyJ says...

It's amazing that 90% of the people visiting the Bahamas are from the United States and yet the government and the provisional liquidators did not pay one cent in back pay or monies owed to the US expatriates and US vendors!! Maybe US citizens will think twice before booking another vacation in a country that treated US workers and vendors so unfairly!