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CookieCutter says...

I saw HAI the other day ..... he has lost a little weight, seems very alert and rested...and then it came to me...The man is making a Political Comeback.

When his batteries have fully charged and his band of soldiers have assembled in line, he will lead a leadership revolt that will not only jostle the present Leader, but will springboard him back again as the PM.........Don't get fool people....there is no such thing as 'retirement' in third world politics. He retires in Abaco to 'root' himself and gain ground again in his former constituency, one that quickly lost ground these past two elections...More important, he is looking for financial support simply because you cant come back to the table with nothing to offer.

He will run again next election as the 'Comeback King' making a run for the FNM Leadership promising to swell the party's financial coffers and and victory in the next election. It is why Mr. Laing resigned his Senator seat and you don't hear much from the former MPs...a civil war brews in the FNM party, and as the good Dr. Minnis and his small band are (literally) distracted by the jackals in Parliament he does not see the snake in the grass...and when Convention time comes he will have no organization and no money to defend his position.

Sit back and enjoy the show, 'Election 2017: Return of the King' ....Bahamians love entertainment.

On A fourth term for Ingraham

Posted 4 March 2013, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

CookieCutter says...

I highly doubt that our country can make its statutes FATCA compliant by the deadline, especially when legislative changes are notoriously sluggish... But in any event this is an example of 'nation bullying' a sovereign state like ours to change its laws...even having the nerve to give it a deadline.

....Where are the freedom fighting leaders of the past who stood up to the elite and who bravely took the country to an independent nation state...who's the MP that will stand up and tell America "Take ya' time soulja!", (or whatever the island youths are saying these days) as being nothing but a doormat to dust your feet on is certainly not in the genetic make up of the average Bahamian. Things have changed..Mother Bahamas has traded its lions for lambs and our national leaders are nothing but coin traders with short ambitions.

Lets set a new path by gaining world wide influence instead of preserving the "Yessa Masta" slavery mindset in the international community......It is getting embarrassing..... Lets gain influence in the IMF or World Bank.... Lets become a First World Nation like our Caribbean counterpart in the South.......Our Politicos talks about engaging in caricom and we still takin' orders....The Country Gone Man!

CookieCutter says...

I can appreciate her need to seem 'individualistic' in a sense, but I could not appreciate this lady's physical dress and overall presentation when playing an important role in this historical event.

Yes I understand that this is not a fashion show, but it seems that it played on the overall message. She seems to be an articulate person but her physical appearance took away from her message. Plainly speaking, I think she dropped the ball in this one....

I know that we have a sector of our society considers themselves gay, trans-gendered, MSM, etc., but there seems to be a lack of centralised activity and strong leadership for this group, perhaps another individual to readdress gay marriage issue in a more revered manner would go a bit further than it has. This group needs more freedom fighters who are not hiding in the closet.

On Call for gay rights

Posted 28 February 2013, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

CookieCutter says...

The law provides for a Magistrate to have discretion when deciding to grant bail to an offender, but with the negative public opinion and under the circumstances of the case at least an order for Mr. Wrinkle to surrender his passport ......even ordering him to sit in the BEC lobby from opening to closing hours would be a harsh bail condition......yet a more understandable decision than an outright denial of bail.
..........there is a Vendetta element in this matter, made clear from the failure of the Magistrate to order the repayment of $15K to BEC. It is obvious that BEC's energy has no value to the Magistrate, yet he denies bail for a breadwinner and an owner holding responsibilities to a number of employees....The laughable thing is that BEC doesn't care about losing $15K because their energy wastage amounts to hundreds and thousands of dollars on an annual basis.…

On No bail for Wrinkle

Posted 14 February 2013, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

CookieCutter says...

All persons who will have a trial in front of this Magistrate should instruct their lawyers to prepare well in advance to appeal his decisions...Clearly this man is looking for his nemesis and is hacking away at the judicial principles he would have learned from ......wait a minute........ do they even have a training program for these individuals who take the oath and hold the gavel? There is clearly a mad man on the loose in Nassau St.

Ill put my money on the fact that when this victim of a sloppy and negligent judgement is successful in his appeal, he will make a move to take legal action against the police force and BEC....Open those leather dripped wallets.... "cause yinna fellas gonna pay some doe."

On Contractor told he 'should've known better'

Posted 13 February 2013, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

CookieCutter says...

If Mr. Wrinkle's attorney is worth his wig & gown, an appeal should be filed against this ruling immediately. all bahamian citizens have the right to be protected against rulings which support the Miscarriage of Justice in this country.

It is now time for the 'Immunity' held by members of the Judiciary, particularly Magistrates, to be removed and they should be held liable for grossly negligent rulings. If Bahamians want to be serious about the crime in this country let's start by passing legislation ensuring that Magistrates do their job at a 'professional standard' when considering evidence and passing judgement.
a high rate of appeal cases are originating from court 5. It is time to call an formal inquiry to determine the cause of this concerning pattern.

On JUST IN: Wrinkle sentenced to jail

Posted 12 February 2013, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal