Comment history

CoolCatBD says...

Yes, this is no time to get complacent, if you are unvaccinated get vaccinated, if you are vaxxed get Freshly Vaxxed!!!

CoolCatBD says...

How to stay 100% protected, it has been reported, booster shots provide two mouths of 100% protection, a covid infection provide 3 months 100% protection, if you can only get two full boosters shots a year.

Option #1

You can get one full shot, then covid, then another full shot, then Covid again, this gives you almost a full year of 100% protection, the downside you have to get C19 twice a year, not good!!

Option #2, convert the paediatric doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, to mini adult top up shot.

Then you can get one full shot, then two top up shots, then can get another full shot, and then two more top up shots, for a full year of 100% protection, and no need to get C19!

The upside, no shots will be wasted, a win win!!!

CoolCatBD says...

On Seven more die from COVID

Posted 12 September 2022, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

On Monkeypox vaccine on the way to The Bahamas

Posted 9 September 2022, 8:17 a.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

Yes people, please save has much money, has you can, you need it to pay the new taxes and higher government fees!

CoolCatBD says...

LOL, you just call yourself beautiful.

On Back to class for teachers

Posted 23 August 2022, 9:54 a.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

I want accountability and some apologies!?…

Without accountability, it will be too easy, for this to happen again!!!
They can keep the apologies!

On Slow uptake on child vaccines

Posted 23 August 2022, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

Kids come home with a band-aid and a piece of paper. You say what up with the band-aid, they say, Kids that got the Jab, also got a Cold Cup! So you say, what up with the piece of paper, they say its the bill for the cold cup! " Please save these shots for adults who desperately want them."

On Slow uptake on child vaccines

Posted 23 August 2022, 2 a.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

I was told if was don't use ever single dose of this "free Kids vaccine", it will make it harder to get, more free vaccine! Is that a chance worth taking?

On Slow uptake on child vaccines

Posted 22 August 2022, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

Is this data being collected in the The Bahamas?………

Thailand's Study - Vaccine in Children.

p.s. The third one is only 8 minutes long.

On Slow uptake on child vaccines

Posted 22 August 2022, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal