Comment history

CoralHarbour says...

I do not agree with your point about surnames. I think that French surnames indicate French heritage not Haitian heritage. Haiti was a French colony and their surnames reflect their former French colonists. Is this not so?

CoralHarbour says...

You old people don't know how to have fun! Let it go!

CoralHarbour says...

I do not think the person is lying. However, it does not take much to be correct in one's language. Bahamian society is plagued with ignorance because people value 'word of mouth' over finding facts for themselves. I cannot see any upright Bahamian male agreeing with this. It was an ignorant generalization hands down. As for the topic of Carnival I hope that it is a huge success sans any rapes or Junakoo-like behavior.

CoralHarbour says...

It is very reckless..better yet.. ignorant of you to make such a sweeping generalization about Bahamian men. Since you used the example of Junkanoo, perhaps, you should evaluate the socioeconomic class of the males you have observed display such behavior. There are many Bahamian males that do not act in this manner and that are law abiding, hardworking, educated, mannered, well-traveled and exposed. Seriously, which era are you from? In short, you're an idiot.

CoralHarbour says...

He wanted to watch the SuperBowl this weekend..

On Police probe theft at PM's house

Posted 30 January 2014, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

CoralHarbour says...

Indian diplomat arrested and strip searched in New York last month and Americans faced heavy backlash in India subsequently.…

John Kerry expressed regret over the incident to Indian officials, much like Ryan Pinder. However, the United States took a position validating the ordeal stating that it was by the 'books' and carried out an investigation to ensure standard operating procedures were followed. Where is the Government's revelation of what transpired? UBS has already released Mr. Fiaux's version of this incident via NG. What are they waiting on?