Comment history

DDK says...

Crime IS increasing on the Family Islands, they get plenty of new vehicles too, also plenty of khaki.🤣😂🤣

DDK says...

God Save The King AND The Commonwealth!!

DDK says...

"It has 22,533 square feet of warehouse now," Captain Bootle said.
Trust said warehouses are ensured for fire AND hurricane!

Talk is cheap, these grandiose ideas are not. If Bahamas Government is involved it is doomed for failure, might as well let it continue to lie fallow.

DDK says...

What about 'BPL' and the ever-increasingly exorbitant fuel surcharge for other Islanders? Not everyone is on 'gubment' salary and in a position to embellish it by various and sundry means.

GB Utility "said 40 percent of its customer base - the lowest volume users - will see no hike at all, while another 47 percent will suffer an average $8 per month rise."
GB Utility appears to be mirroring the current U.S. Dem policy of pandering to the less fortunate at the expense of the more fortunate or the more hard-working as the case may be....

DDK says...

The greedy ignoramuses (ignorami) should check out Venice, a once beautiful destination ruined by cruise ships. What an asinine idea! Needs to be nixed.

DDK says...

Munroe finally talking some sense. Trust it's not the usual lip service.

DDK says...

And the Airbnb and VRBO rentals are not included?

DDK says...

This would be so criminal, is there no end to the insidiousness of this VAT?

DDK says...

Oh well, Bahama justice plays out again.........Pretty ludicrous to be out on bail for several murders, to be discussing motive and whether or not individuals were known to the police🤣

DDK says...

"It also lessens trust in other figures that are reported to Parliament ...." that is, of course, assuming anything reported in Parliament can be trusted!