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DEDDIE says...

I have always disagreed with the media showing the faces of individuals who are simply arrested regardless of the purported crime. Even worst there is rarely ever a follow-up story to ascertain whether the individual was found guilty or not. With regard to this particular case, trafficking in women is a major problem world wide. Who is there to say whether one of these women is a trafficking victim.

On Strippers seized in club raids

Posted 29 January 2019, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

Mr. Bethel was my professor when I attended COB several decades ago. He is a bit brash but his classes were some of the most exciting and intriguing classes I ever attended. I doubt he has much of a case due to the fact that his contract is year to year. That is usually the case after you pass sixty-five. My concern is the fact that the government and its entities have very little savvy in the way they get rid of people. What you do is tell them you are giving them a retirement/vacation cruise and that a ceremony will be held to celebrate there tenure at the end of the school year.

On Felix to sue over university sacking

Posted 16 January 2019, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

Murders has gone down but murders by police have gone up.

DEDDIE says...

As a people we don't care if someone constitutional rights is violated. You can not search a person without a search warrant folks. When you see a police on the side of the road going through someone pocket or car, nine times out of ten they are breaking the law.

On Prison officers strip searched

Posted 4 January 2019, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

Excuses, excuses! Flawed model or no flawed model. The Government should not be in any business that its citizenry should be in. The flawed model is Government owning private enterprises.

DEDDIE says...

The biggest law breakers in the country are police officers. They actually believe beating a poor soul is part and sundry law enforcement.

On Filming cops can be a problem

Posted 31 December 2018, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

I had a talk with my nephew about looking appropriate. I told him don't create disadvantages for yourself. Your are black, you are not connected, so why add another disadvantage by wearing your hair in locks. I told him maybe one day when he has moneys like the athletes or rappers then he can do whatever the hell he wants to do with his hair.

DEDDIE says...

The government needs to grow a pair. If I can get you to do anything I want you to do why wouldn't I. Jump through this hoop, jump through that hoop. Do a back flip. When are we gonna say enough is enough.

DEDDIE says...

A young man told me of an incident he witness it jail. He said one of the young men challenge an officer by saying, the only reason you're tough is because you have a gun. The police then proceeded to take of his holster and enter the cell to prove his toughness. The young man gain the upper and the other officers quickly rush in to not only separate the two but beat the daylights out of the challenger.

DEDDIE says...

Social electricity. I live a good part of my life using kerosene. People need to adjust their life style in accordance with their paycheck. If you can't afford electricity, adjust until you are in a better position

On Miller begs BPL - leave the lights on

Posted 28 November 2018, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal