Comment history

DJBarr says...

Is this what you get when you do business with China? In light of the hotel, port and airport in Freeport, should the Chinese continue to be welcome?

DJBarr says...

Good idea! Just cut off all of the cruise lines from Bahamian ports and see how many hotel nights you book. Imagine that!

DJBarr says...

The spike of Covid cases in US are primarily due to the Covid infected immigrants coming across the border. The government is loading these immigrants onto busses and planes and shipping them all over the country. A lot of these have been sent to Florida and many stay in Texas. So far this year 1.1 million immigrants have crossed the US border.

DJBarr says...

Mr. Harper: The voting regulations in the Bahamas are far more stringent that in the US. But I don't see Bahamians running around claiming that they are being "suppressed".

DJBarr says...

Unfortunately, this is what you get when you deal with the Chinese.

DJBarr says...

The article says this was first contracted with the previous administration.

Was the contract given to a crony contractor who couldn't complete the project?

Thank goodness it was turned over to a local GB company with lots of experience.

I suspect that it was built to higher standard than required.


DJBarr says...

I'm not sure I believe the reasons for the delays. I was one of the unfortunate ones traveling on Dec. 21. All the other airlines, American, Delta and even Silver were operating on schedule into Freeport. They were not impacted by the weather in Florida. It was alsmost two hours into the delay before a Bahamasair agent appeared in the waiting area and then she told us that she had "no information" on our delay. It was odd that my airline tracker had already told us that it would be at least a three hour delay. It ended up being over four hours.

Even stranger still is that my flight (direct to Orlando) was one that had been previously cancelled on Dec. 14th and Dec. 17th due to a "schedule change". I suspect it was cancelled because the flight was not full enough. Then they tried to sell us on a flight through Nassau with a 4 hour layover in Nasau and a 5 hour layover on the return. We re-booked through American since the flight times did not work with our wedding schedule.

We've been burned three times now on a cancelled direct Orlando flight. Even if it is ever offered again, I don't know if I'd risk it. I have a second home in Freeport and it would be really nice to have a reliable direct flight. You would think that they would want to attract some of the tourists in Florida at the tourist capital of the world, but I have never seen any marketing or even received a notice from Bahamasair. Surely they can do a better job.