Comment history

DLawrence says...

Thank you Zags.... Finally.. Somebody is home!!

DLawrence says...

Jack.."A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still".. Why wait for one time of year to come together or lend a hand? We educate people every day. Everywhere I go, my friend, not only while I'm at work, I do it every day..I don't wait for the show and hoopla, don't need the photos or crowds... Just see a hungry sick dog or cat and help.. As an individual out of my own meager budget.. Why? Because it's just the right thing to do...You call that greed?? Really..? Hmm.. Call it what you may I will continue to do what I love and you do the same.

DLawrence says...

Firstly, I'd like to thank Dr. Bizzell for his comments and his attempt to speak on our behalf. I am a veterinarian in the Bahamas and have seen my fair share of suffering at the hands of selfish owners with little to no regard for their own animals, viewing their own animals as they would a paper cup or plate... Simply disposable.
As I read through some of these hateful comments, tears fill my eyes.. If any of you could walk a day in our shoes, to see the suffering, removing maggots that have eaten all the tissue down to the bone, having to amputate legs because the leg has been festering so long that it's all but rotted off, watching animals come in dying of heart and liver failure and gasping for air, animals ingesting rat poison and on the verge of death...
If any of you could walk a day in our shoes, you would feel differently. I LOVE what I do! I love driving home at the end of the day knowing that I saved just one more... Just one more cat or dog.... Knowing that I helped just one more makes it worth while. I personally drive around nassau feeding stray animals.. I've done it before vet school, fostered and rescued all through vet school and continue to try to make a difference in ANY way that I can. No one is making a profit... Believe me I've worked in the US for many years and vets in the Bahamas DO NOT work for profit, so far from it..We do it because we love what we do.. I encourage anyone, please call your local vets come see what we do and then You decide... Is it worth casting that stone?
Life is too short for hate and negativity.