Comment history

DRIVER31 says...

I'm for it- and against it in a way....I can agree with the whole legalisation to help expunge the records of persons swept up haphazardly in the "justice system". There are so many cases where persons attain this stain on their record and lose their job, or lose out on opportunities of advancement of their personal or professional lives. TBH Alcohol is worse than marijuana in the way that you could drink yourself to death in one night. However should a person be interested in trying Marijuana for the first time and decides to drive, this could have the same effect where they could cause a serious accident and may die or injure others on the road. However, in the same light there are laws in place that condemn operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a legal alcoholic beverage. Your concern about the youth is unfounded because i knew children when i was a child that could, and did, drink 5 guinness in one sitting, that are quite successful now in life.

DRIVER31 says...

Dear Mr. Minnis

1.People aren't only catching covid at night or at the Beaches. STOP with that bull.
2.Suppose COVID Lasts the rest of your time in office, do you intend to continue to lock the country down every other month? If so how do you intend to help the Bahamians that live in Hardship imposed by the decisions your office makes?
3. How do you intend to turn the Bahamian Economy around if we are unable to work to generate the funds required for us to pay (Bills, Rent, Debts, General Cost of Living, Tickets and court fines), in a country focused on Tourism and Construction? Or are we supposed to let these fees pile up? Or are we all going to jail?
4. We do not set the example for the country you do, be carful what you say and how you backtrack.

Mr. Minnis, we the Bahamian people that voted you into power are now questioning this decision

DRIVER31 says...

The Bahamas is suffering from a serious social identity crisis that is going to continue to worsen if not confronted by us. My questions are, "When did we fall so far morally?" and "Where is the line drawn to separate moral and immoral in an ever worsening social condition?"- I asked that question in a previous article, about violence that effected a mother and daughter last week, this is SAD! We as a country need to realise what we are doing to our Nation with all the is violence and STOP! Even worse its happening on the island now. Wake Up Bahamas. Talk to your families, Pray with your families, we have to do something to stop these situations. What happens to these creatures when they are caught, we certainly can't call them men. My God Bahamas! "Where has the good ole days gone?", "What are we doing to our Nation", "What is our Government doing to fight the Importation of Guns?" "Where do these unlicensed, unregistered, illegal weapons come from?", "???"...

DRIVER31 says...

This story is a weird one...The question "What did she do to cause him to kill her?" is, in my opinion, a very broad question to ask...maybe the people that ask that question are asking that instead of "What happened prior to the murder?". Another way that question could be phrased is- "What went wrong with him, why he killed her?"-had this been a situation where he wasn't known to the police for prior crimes of similar nature.
Meanwhile in other countries there are wars being waged where no one is safe even in their own homes.
The Bahamas is suffering from a serious social identity crisis that is going to continue to worsen if not confronted by us.
My questions are, "When did we fall so far morally?" and "Where is the line drawn to separate moral and immoral in an ever worsening social condition?"

DRIVER31 says...

I have to agree with Mr. Evans on one thing...The Contractors gave birth to every generation after them....thats it. WE the generations AFTER The Contractors are responsible for ourselves...We are taught right and wrong, but our decisions to do-either-or is our own...Seems like according to SOME people, Finger Pointing is our National Sport, Ignorance is our National Dish, and we pledge our allegiance to everything but doing what we know to be right.
...Lets Do Better Bahamas.

PS. Mr. Editor- Just because it sounds smart, doesn't means you put it in the paper, it hurts your credibility.

On Bahamian redneck culture

Posted 28 September 2020, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal