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DWW says...

what a load of bullsnot! Uh ok, someone is going to spend $10k to take a boat ride to watch a rocket land? maybe yes, but it won''t be a big huge money maker. load of bullsnot.

DWW says...

i'm sorry fieryguy is useless. Heard he is not so smart. He can stay out of politics entirely if you ask me. complete waste of space in govt. heard this law is ridiculous in intent and execution. written by idiots who have no understanding of the issue at all. And then top it off by talking about the issue in metaphors and what ifs. Why can't govt and the media just lay it out in simple english instead of "they stole genetic data and are going to make tone of money off of it without us". What drug are we talking about? is the intent to harvest material in the Bahamas? or is it just the genetic signature that they already have and will be using it to manufacture the compound artificially? Yes I have talked to a few people who work in the research field about it. IF you ask me this is all about money and Davis & Co. can't get their hands on it without some BS law to enable them to steal it from the person who put time effort adn money into finding/creating it???

DWW says...

unfortunate truth

On ‘Police tortured me for 3 days’

Posted 13 February 2025, 7:49 a.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

tax dodging coming to an end slowly and painfully?

DWW says...

exactly this. arresting pothead easy. finding and arresting murderer hard, very hard. they do easy job to look like busy.

DWW says...

funny how the billionaires are complaining about tax. We all pay tax. put up or go elsewhere. He is quoted as saying a cost of $1,000,000 for a week's vacation and then someone is complaining. I complain about the taxes I have to pay everyday, why are these billionaires expecting a tax cut? they do absolutely nothing for the country except for a literal handful of people who get a job and then the wealthy bahamian marina owner who probably dodges some taxes here and there too? There is no better place in the world than the Bahamas. They can all go spend their money elsewhere but it won't compare to the unparalleled beauty and priviledge of being in this country. My hard fought and scrapped up vacation to florida cost me around $5,000 for the small family and wish I didn't have to pay all that tax for the trip but hey, you don't see me running to the papers to complain about it.

On Marinas voice concern over tax hike fall-out

Posted 4 February 2025, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

when are the owners of the bulldozers and heavy equipment going to be held accountable?

DWW says...

the one with major shares in a hopshotel that made big money on govt contract in pandemic days? that is the one who wants to talk about curruption??? really??? Well I guess the people dem memory is short and no one really know the full picture what happens in bahamas govt without FOIA which this man did nothing about. he had his chance and he can sail into the sunset without the phat phat free money pension for 2x PM's.

DWW says...

hmmm... mitchell lie like he look? the cars are model years 2022 and 2023 but they date to before they took office in 2021??? does he really think the people dem is dat gullible? maybe they are

DWW says...

Take a look at all the outdated information on DIR website. whoever is responsible for the DIR website needs to do better please. the thing is a mess and so hard to find the relevant information that you need.

On Tax collection is too ‘combative’

Posted 20 January 2025, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal