Comment history

DWW says...

maybe its the new fuel contract that someone got very handsomely and the new fuel being supplied is inadequate? coincidence? maybe...

DWW says...

the house always wins

DWW says...

um. mr. maillis may want read up a bit more . the fee increase applies to recreational vessels . properly licensed commercial operations have a different fee schedule and already exempt from import tax. if he is truly a commercial fisher he should know this . i fully support those pesky jetskis paying lots more tax though

DWW says...

i dont recall local govt elections in 21. i must have been asleep

DWW says...

is now a good time to discuss 2 stroke engine oil ruining our seas? how about exhaust on the reefs and fish we eat. anyone ? oh.

DWW says...

silly statement. uninformed by all counts

DWW says...

only 3 more years right

DWW says...

the fuel contract was intentionally switched back to the previous provider so someone could make a profit. i wish it was just incompetence

DWW says...

did the us team hire the same firm that sbf used? lol,

DWW says...

i tink we bahamian love corruption when it favours us but not when it works for others