Comment history

DWW says...

how much did the catch worth? i figure around $110,000

DWW says...

it is amazing that a demonstration had to happen before they would do anything

DWW says...

Why, because it would almost completely eliminate the need for lawyers in the sale of land from one person to another. In some places in the world a sale can be completed in 30 minutes. in the Bahamas it can take up to 3 years sometimes.

DWW says...

And it is high and dry time to get the land ownership reformed in this country. How does Ministry works know that land has a house on it but property tax does not. water supply can be put into the property but they don't own it. BPL put poles on private property but don't know they did it. in 2005 we ambitiously started a GIS project but that fizzled out quickly - I wonder why.

DWW says...

Banks take legal advise from lawyers. The lawyer who gave the bad legal advice and told the bank that the property had clean and clear title should be held to account. But we let all attorneys in the country fly free willy nilly with nary a consequence. Ever heard of a lawyer in the Bahamas being jailed or fined for screwing up? me neither. They need to stop circling the wagons, kick out the manymany bad apples and get out of politics too while they are at it.

DWW says...

wow. cant provide license plates cant provide the services expected i return for the people's taxes but want more blood from the stone. let us start with getting rid of the silly hotel encouragement act. we dont need to give away the whole cow

DWW says...

get rid of duties entirely and lets go with VAT all the way. is that not the plan? these lucky customs folks won't be happy with a change in the status quo though.

DWW says...

If the money is in a bank account and verified, how it is "Missing"? You just look like you are trying to create political mischief for mischief sake.

DWW says...

Looks like you have some bias too maybe? Did you or anyone ask the NGO for a statement or are we all just speculators now?

DWW says...

20% is plenty. more than that is just wasteful wanton stealing.