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Darion41Johnson says...

Mr. Mitchell, I do appreciate you saying this, I truly do. When we elect a party we have expectations and results. What hurts us as a PLP Party is after the election all the politicians go missing, new number, new email and they lose touch with the same common people who elected them. All we are asking for is honest conversations, action plans and focus on better and not being bitter. I am a proud PLP, and we are spending too much time on who did what and why. Why can't we go in, fix what is broken, this is what we found, this is what we are doing to correct it, learn from the mistakes and empower the people to build a better community. I love the PLP, I do and I want us to succeed but if we keep talking about what we found, who did what every day and not what we as a party are working on NOW this will anger the people because we are not seeing any results. All I ask, remind your colleagues who got them there, call them back, plan one meeting per week, one hour in the same area they campaigned in, show up, love the people, hear them and go back and fight for the people and not argue all day over issues that are not relevant and all it does is create idle gossip. Plan and build and get away from accusing and blaming, that is really old now and we want better for us and for our country.