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Deepdrop2 says...

What a cold hearted person you are.duppyvat. What mother would be happy that their child died? It's worse when it's murder.
I hope and pray that your mother does not share your sediments.

On Victim ‘lured to his death’

Posted 7 April 2015, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

The Ravens ladies can be extremely proud of themselves for making it to the playoffs as they are a very young team. This was their first season.
As a sports reporter, perhaps you can look into the blatant cheating and bias that has been carried out by the "referees" this season as well as the extremely poor sportsmanship and disrespectful attitude of some of the coaches and their players.

Go Ravens!!!!!

Deepdrop2 says...

FYI - nygard cay is not a part of Lyford Cay - he is only allowed access to his property via the roads of Lyford Cay.

On Government silent over Nygard questions

Posted 15 July 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

Lets not forget that parents play a MAJOR role in the upbringing of their children!!!

Deepdrop2 says...

Wake up Bahamians!
The government can only do so much - the police can only do so much!
Change starts at home. When I was growing up "it took a village to raise a child"
We did not get what we wanted but what we needed and if we did get "extra" it was because we earned it.
Now "parents" just give their children everything and figure their job is done. My parents, as did many, knew where I was, what I was doing and who I was associating with at all times.
They took the time to talk with me and my siblings.
Now you have parents and grandparents excusing their children/grandchildren for all of the things that they are doing. Accepting the fruits of the crimes they are committing and covering up for them.
Wake up!!!! Stop blaming it on the government, the police and the teachers!!
"it starts at home"!!

On Delays after US diplomat is robbed

Posted 12 June 2013, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

To the government:
Change the laws - they are outdated!!
Stop twisting the Truth!! Crime is not down!!!

And we as Bahamians need to wake up. Take responsibility for our children and how they are brought up.
stop the Enabling and the Cover-ups!!!!!! - when these things are done you are guilty by association!!!!!!!

On PM speaks out after latest murders

Posted 5 June 2013, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

and crime is down????? really??????

On Men shot dead

Posted 5 June 2013, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

When questioned about the decreased figures in relation to the high volume of shootings in New Providence this year, police officials explained that some shootings were classified as “causing harm” based on severity of the crime.

#Incidents of “causing harm” were not included in the official statistics that were released.

#Murder and attempted murder also decreased by 13 per cent and 60 per cent respectively.

#However, Dr Sands said if it wasn’t for the intervention of medical professionals the murder count would be significantly higher.

#“This has been an issue we have been discussing in the medical field for some time. There have been incidents when a patient comes into the Emergency Room with a serious life threatening injury and they are only saved because of the intervention of doctors and medical staff. Then we hear, the person responsible for shooting or stabbing this individual has a reduced charge of causing harm. There is something, I believe, wrong with that,” he said.

#“The only reason some of these people are alive is because attackers are not good shots and they missed. But they were trying to kill not trying to harm so how is that not attempted murder? It almost makes you feel as a clinician that you are contributing in a bizarre way to allowing a culprit to get back on the streets. I had a lady stabbed in her heart and she was fortunate enough to survive after we repaired a laceration to her right ventricle but then we heard the person was charged with causing harm. It is just absurd.

#“We have no say in the matter, it is entirely up to the judicial system what they charge a person with. So I could have someone shot multiple times come in the hospital but because of the intervention and the huge amount of resources the patient survives but it is only causing harm and they do not give any rhyme or reason for their decision.”

Deepdrop2 says...

Causing harm?? How dumb can you be???
If someone points a gun at you and shoots that is attempted murder!!!

Deepdrop2 says...

So where are the bins located?
And would it have not been better to have big dump trucks go around and collect the destroyed items.
Not everyone owns a truck or can afford to hire one!!!

On Bins for items damaged in flood

Posted 2 June 2013, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal