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DeliveryBoy says...

Like I said before, the same way that the government rushed to make changes to the referendum act to set the stage for this opinion poll is the same way they should rush to make whatever changes to the law necessary to outlaw whatever they are doing at these web shops....internet gaming and wagering, the slot machines they have in these establishments, the whole nine yards!!!

Make modifications to the law you all have the majority of seats in the house. You guys are paid to represent the Bahamian people and the people have now spoken loud and clear!!

DeliveryBoy says... first ever post on this website..............

Can someone please tell me how does the PM expect to impose fines on or arrest webshop operators, employees or participants if there is nothing on the books to this effect.

Same way how they rushed to pass legislation in the house to modify the referendum act, is the same way they should rush to put the relevant legislation in place to outlaw these web shops.

These politicians think we all are stupid...Mr. Prime Minister I have always been a supporter of the PLP, but after this I do not know if I would ever vote again...I hope you retire after this term in office cus ya joking!!!

I, like many other Bahamians feel that web shops should be legalised but you gave us no details on what a yes vote would have meant after referendum date. You insulted the intelligence of the people by even pushing this forward in the manner that you did, now you attempt to insult us again by your loussy public statement which has no substance?

Maybe this is why you did not make the referendum legally binding? because you feared that the church would cause to effect a NO vote!! The law would have been changed and there would be no need for this Supreme Court crap.

someone please correct me if I am wrong!!!!

On Government to abide by court order

Posted 31 January 2013, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal