Comment history

DillyTree says...

Typical Mitchell to go straight to the discriminations angle! The man is aracist and that's where he wants to go?

This is an added layer of secuirty for hte UK to keep their borders safe. It's an easy online process that many countries are moving to. The US requires UK citizens to file an ESTA application to visit. And it's goog for several years. Not a bit issue, so let's not make it one, Mr. Mitchell!

Oh, and because we're still part of the Commonwealth, we're still able to travel visa free. Wasn't it the PLP government who wants to leave the Commonwealth and become a (banana) Republic? Oh yes, but only when it's convenient for you! LOL! Hypocrites!

DillyTree says...

Wonderful idea!

But will it be enforced? And by whom? With real consequences? Or will this be yet another "fix" that is business as usual?

DillyTree says...

Two thoughts --

1. Mushroom farm -- umm, magic mushrooms?
2. Why do visitors choose rentals in non-tourist areas? Had to talk one couple out of a "perfect" place they found off Fire Trail Road when they wanted to spent their time on the beach, shopping in downtown and visiting Atlantis -- and didn't plan to rent a car! We need to do a better job at policing these AirBnB ads that are misleading/ "near Cable Beach" can be 5 miles away!

While everyone should be safe in their home or rental, we know the reality is very differnt. Yet, another bad portrayal of the Bahamas in the international press. We need to do better!

DillyTree says...

This is a typical occurrence, but when done ny an MP, it is all the more disgraceful and disrespectful.

As I disabled person who had to jump through all kinds of hoops to get a disabled parking decal, I am appalled at this behaviour. Many times, I have to either walk a long distance to get to the store, or choose to go elsewhere for that I need. Many stores are kind enough to have cones in the handicapped spots and the security guard moves them for me, but so many times I see perfectly able-bodied people parking in these spots -- many o them who look like they could use the exercise anyhow!

Yesterday, I saw a perfectly able-bodied lady get into her car that was in a handicapped spot. I had to park quite a bit further out, and asked her if she was handicapped. She said, "No, but I was only in the shop for a minute!" Not an excuse, people!

I wonder if Ms. Rahming understand what many of her clients deal wtih on a daily basis, and if she really means her "I'm sorry", of if she really means, "I'm sorry I got caught!" Let's see her make a donation to a charity that assists those with handicaps that is at least twice the amount fo the fine she would have paid had she been ticketed!

DillyTree says...

CCA will be forced to settle, as they cannot afford to lose this case. If they lose in a US court and found guilty of fraud, they can no longer do business in the US as a foreign company. They will be happy to pay Mr. Izmirlian rather than lose the lucrative US business that CCA enjoys.

I only wish Mr. Izmirlain would be able to get justice here in the Bahamas and the REAL story of our PLP government's involvement comes out into the public domain so people can decide for themselves exactly what took place in our Bahamaland. The Pirate Republic endures!

DillyTree says...

It would help to have published the entire article, not stop mid-sentence!

And why all track and field? Don't we have talented sailors, swimmers, and other sportsmen and women?

On Bahamas team named for the Olympic Games

Posted 17 July 2024, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

Why bother celebrating Independence at all? It seems we are getting worse and worse off each year, with very little to celebrate. We settle for this year after year in some feeble attempt at national price, while celebrating and accepting mediocrity, corruption and third-world conditions.

DillyTree says...

Time for Dr. Minnis to go quietly this time. He's past his sell date.

As a Kilarney constituent, I will not be voting if Dr. Minnis stands for the Hilarney district. I will not vote for this man -- ever again! His record speaks for itself, and his underhanded nasty ways even flounder. He does not promote nor encourage new leadership, but clings to his old selfish egottistical ways -- not for the betterment of the Bahamas. Please, Dr. Minnis, go away!

On Minnis snubbed by his former Cabinet

Posted 23 May 2024, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

The PM is correct, rape is rape, but the problem is when the Christian Council starts bleating that it's not possible for a man to rape his wife because of some God-given right to do so. What does it hurt to include that in the law so that ther are no "loopholes" in the law.

To many peole don't understand that "no" means "no" -- married or not.

On PM: 'Why do you want to describe rape?'

Posted 15 April 2024, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

How can RCL start this project when the land is currently being litigated and with the Privy Council?

On Royal Caribbean to start PI site clearance

Posted 15 April 2024, 8:53 p.m. Suggest removal