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DillyTree says...

The current rates are base fares for up to 2 persons. Additional passengers over the age of 2 are $4 each. There's also a charge for bags, which I personally think is absurd.

So let's look at this -- 5 people going from the airport to Atlantis with a suitcase each.

Base fare is $38, the 3 additional passengers are $12 (3 x $4) So now we're up to $50. Add a $2 bridge toll, and we're up to $52.

Then we have additional charges for their suitcases -- Those are $2 each -- for a total of $10. The total fare is now $62.

Just for fun, let's say these 5 passengers have a set of golf clubs too -- that's another 44. Large duffel bags, sports squipment, or boxes are an
additional $4 each. So adding the golf clubs in, the total fare is now $66.

And Mr. Taxi Driver will want at least a 20% tip, so add #13.20 to your total.

So now our 5 toursits have arrived at Atlantis and are expected to cough up $79.20 before they've even checked in. And that's assuming the driver hasn't "padded" the fare and added a generous tip!

Does this sound right to you? $80 for a 40 minute ride?

Ask yourselves this -- how many Bahamians would put up with this while travelling abroad? Nickeled and dimed for each person, each bag, and even by bag size? Oh, and I once was told I'd need to pay extra if I wanted the air-condtioning on - by a Bahamian driver.

On Taxi fare hike officially announced

Posted 8 April 2024, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

Trouble is, I've had too many drivers misquoting rates and just plain robbing people -- and I've had this happen myself. Out of the 4 taxi rides I took, 2 of the drivers tried to overcharge me. When I told them exactly what the point to point government rate was, they then tried to justify this with excuses - it's a nicer car, it's a weekend, that's a surcharge, etc.

This is ve4yr bad for tourism, and more should be done for the industry to police itself and stop the rogue drivers overcharging visitors (and locals)

Personally, Id' rather see meters used -- then there's no cheating -- unless of court the drivers take the "long route" to get there.

Personally, the rates are already outrageous. And when a drive quotes me $40 for a $28 fare, I'm definitely not tipping -- $28 is all you get! And as for reporting them, hahahhahaa! Been there, done that, and it's pointless.

On Taxi fare hike officially announced

Posted 8 April 2024, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

It would be helpful if the Tribune would have reported a date these fare hikes take effect. And perhaps publish the new fares once available.

On Taxi fare hike officially announced

Posted 6 April 2024, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

I look forward to seeing Mr. Smith getting justice through the Privy Council.

The Bahamas government must be held to account for not honouring its agreements. This is not an honourable state of affairs and reflects poorly on the Bahamas.

DillyTree says...

Mr. Mitchell would do well to remember he works for the people of the Bahamas -- as do the rest of these elected (and appointed) government officials. .

Yes, we, the Bahamian people, have the right to require the people that work for us to be transparent and file their financial disclosures, as is required by law.

When will our government be held accountable? Sorry state of affairs indeed.

Besides, what are you so afraid of, Mr. Mitchell? Being transparent or filing a false disclosure?

DillyTree says...

Let's let the investigation continue before pointing fingers at the vessel operator.

While this may have been the case, the question was if the excursion had dive flags posted, thus alerting nearby boats that there were divers in the water. Or was the victim swimming far away from the others and not near the boat? Or perhaps in a channel where boat traffic typically is? There are a lot of variables here that need to be investigated before looking to place blame.

In any case, a tragic accident with condolences to the family members.

On Tourist dies in boating accident

Posted 21 March 2024, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

If the Bahamas Government won't honour its own agreements, then what hope have we?

Mr. Smith had a binging agreement with the Government, but the Government then got a "better offer" from the cruise line -- no doubt representing some "under the table" benefits to those granting the lease.

I really don't know why this has even gone this far, and applaud Mr. Smith's determination to hold the Government to task and to show the dirty underbelly of politics and greed.

And to top it all off, elections will soon be coming -- and once again, we'll have to listen to how each party is "Bahamians First" -- it's all a load of hogwash by both parties! When will we learn?

On PI Crown Land battle splits Court of Appeal

Posted 18 March 2024, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

Maybe Carnival is just feeling skittish after the two Kentuckly moms claimed to have been raped in Grand Bahama.

Oh, and what has become of that big media outrage?

The 2 men have been released and not charged, and it's all gone quiet. What actually happeed? Has the FBI issued a report? If the women are found to have lied, will that same media circus correct their stories? Will Carnival and the US State Department continue issuing fear-mongering warnings? Why aren't those same warnings being issued for US ports?

Why must we always soffer when the US decides to talkign foolisheness?

DillyTree says...

The irony here is that many taxi drivers have long given themselves a raise by taking advantage of people who do not know the government point to point rates.

Out of the last 5 taxi rides I've taken (both here in NP and in 2 out islands), I've been overcharged by the drivers. Only 1 driver charged the correct rate.

The others were in some case, 60% over the published rate. When pointed out to them, the drivers tried to justify it with a variety of creative reasons -- "it's a new vehicle", "it's extra for air conditioning", and the refreshingly honest one of "my boss doesn't pay me enough"!

So I cringe think how many of our visitors are taken advantage of by so many of these unscrupulous drivers -- who will not doubt not only charge the additonal 10% fare, but also take a big tip, lunch and pad the bill as usual. What will the government do abotu this?

DillyTree says...

Why bother even trying to defend the indefensible?

This is an outrage and an insult to the many with disabilities in this country who get very little from Social Services as it is, and rely on other private organizations to fill the gap. These are amoung our most vulnerable citizens - many of whom are't looking for a handout, but support services to enable them to work, play and raise their families as the rest of us do.

Why couldn't this money have been taken from Mr. Davis's travel budget? $25.000 is roughly a few nights in a 5 star hotel for him and his cronies. It would be nice if he was home more often to see what is going on in THIS country.