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DillyTree says...

I have been on several RC cruises that made stops in Nassau, and sat in the "cruise port talks" as their shopping "experts" all but tell you not to get off the ship in Nassau. And if you do, only go to the stores they recommend (and no doubt get kickback from) So let's cut the hypocrisy, RC.

DillyTree says...

Typical government lip service to "Bahamians first" at election time, then Bahamians become 2nd class citizens for the rest of their term in office. When will we ever learn?

DillyTree says...

This development is a terrible idea. It is all wrong for the character of Long Island and will ruin the island's current appeal to visitors. Look at some of the other islands to see how this process completely ruins and changes the islands and their culture. Selling our heritage to the highest bidder never works in our favour.

I can only hope it will go the way the imaginative and absurd proposed St. George resort and amoutn to nothing but hot air and hype. Long Island doesn't need this monstrosity!

DillyTree says...

This is outrageous, but then again, the visitors would only have had to do bare minimal research to find out that not only was Queen's Staircase withing walking distance of the cruise ship port, but that from Junkanoo Beach, the cruise ship was likely visible from the beach!

Still, this driver and any others who continue to take advantage of and literally rob toursits only serve to make the industry look bad as a whole. Indeed, the "bad eggs" need to be punished and their licenses taken away.

Too many times, I've used taxis to get home from the airport, and been overcharged - thinking I was a visitor. I know the rates, and only give the driver the correct fare, and no tip. Don't fleece me! But no everyone knows the rates, and folk over outrageous amounts to these unscrupulous drivers. Enough!

One of the most egregious fleecings was a few years back with a female taxi driver at Marsh Harbour, who took me and 2 other couples to Treasure Cay and the Green Turtle Cay ferry. She dropped off the people at TC, then took us to the ferry. There she demanded we pay her the full fare (each) from MH as if we'd each taken a separate taxi. And we knew the people dropped off in TC had already paid the lion's share of the fare (we'd divided up the costs in the cab on the way up) I reported her to the taxi union, Ministry of Tourism and the local Administrator. The only ones who seemed every remotely interested in pursuing it was the one lady at MoT, but I doubt anything was done, as I heard a similar incident (same driver) not long afterwards.

We already have a reputation for crookedness in the Bahamas -- do we really need to extend that to our visitors? We reep what we sow...

DillyTree says...

This industry has gone unregulated for too long. Many 2nd homeowners have been bypassing taxes and registration for years now, so no money remains in the Bahamas. Just because a homeowner employs a caretaker, it does not give them the right to just do as they please.

Registration is a one-time step. Once regsitered, it's not a huge inconvenience to submit tax returns and pay a business license. They have no issue doing this in their own countries, so why is it such a big deal here? Let's see if they moan to the IRS that "it's too hard"...

We know of a number of rental houses who rent out consistently, but always tell the government representative on the out island that these are "friends and family" and they don't rent their home. Meanwhile, they get the rental income with no taxes, probably don't report it in their own country, and contribute very little to the island economy in the grand scheme of things.

Foreigners keep getting a pass -- just the other day FB had a local fisherman who had taken much time and money to build condos and for crawfish, and a week before August 1st, found a Florida registered vessel helping themselves to his condo habitats. On questioning and being informated there was no "pre-season" in the Bahamas, the foreigners said they owned a house on Tilloo Cay. As if somehow that gives them the right to do as they pleased.

Enough! There are plenty of foreigners who are happy to follow the rules. Let's reward them and tell the others to go elsewhere. We don't need these people!

DillyTree says...

Funny how our PM goes running to the UK for photo ops and to kiss the King's ring, but still talks out of the other side of his mouth on other issues. Let's be one of the other, but hypocrisy is not a good look, Mr. Davis!

DillyTree says...

Mr. Mitchell speaks poorly for a supposed diplomat.

He will be the one havign a hissy fit when the wealthy foreign residents of Lyford Cay, Old Fort, Albany and many other lcations around the Bahamas depart the Bahamas. Does Mr. Mitchell have any idea how much those wealthy foreginers contribute to the Bahamian economy/ Lyford Cay alone contributes nearly over $20 million in annual payroll. I'd suggest Mr. Mitchell might wish to temper his careless thoughts.

DillyTree says...

If Haiti had natural resources -- gold, oil, etc. -- there would be lots of boots on the ground and Haiti wood be a thriving democracy.

DillyTree says...

Perhaps even consider recruiting abroad -- quality candidates and will recude nepotism and maintain a distance between the public and the police/marines. This worked before when the Bahamas had police from other Caribbean nations.

DillyTree says...

If Atlantis was so upset over Wendy's coming to PI, I'd think they'd be having apoplexic fits over RCI's proposed PI invasion! Put out the popcorn!