Comment history

Disgruntled1 says...

I concur GrassRoots. This is absurdity!

Disgruntled1 says...

I concur. This is the worst governing body, and tactless I've ever seen.

On Gibson mocks Rollins

Posted 24 March 2016, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Disgruntled1 says...

The character that has been delineated by this PLP government and it's spineless leaders, has turned this country( that once based its morals on christianity) into the Devil's recreational area. These egotistical, avaricious, and prosaic men we called leaders, have destroyed this country of what little innocence it may have had. If what we are seeing now, does not reflect who this government really is, then we are imperceptive and clueless. Perry Christie and his band of merry men have continued to put on display how not to manage a country. Let alone there own personal lives. They take advantage of the under privilege, they pry on the weak, and abhor the strong, technologically literate, intuitive Bahamians; who refuse to accept the bull@#$% they keep trying to feed us. This is 2016!!!! Hello Mr. PM, and DPM, this is not the 50's, 60's, 70's or 80's. Bahamians are more educated now on world affairs, a structural government and what it is to be an autocratic government. How can we have leaders of this country who are entagled with anything from a web of deceit, to unscrupulousness. It's a like a reality show gone wrong, and the Bahamian people are the "extras". This is nonsensical. They(PM, DPM and others involved) need to be impeached by the British High Commission and the financial records of this country need to be examined meticulously. #Ourcurrentstate #punintended