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Disgusted says...

Further more, there were allegations of bribery on BOTH the FNM and PLP. This article baffles me. For you, the tribune, a national newspaper, to be here bashing Bahamians because of their choice in Government is appalling. And to "242" we are insulted because this article is on behalf of the tribune! a national news paper. The decency is non existent. Had it been an outsider yes we would have still been a bit offended. But for a newspaper that ALL Bahamians support red gold or green this is a slap in the face and a kick in the ass. This upsets me!

On Bahamas has lost a great leader

Posted 9 May 2012, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Disgusted says...

This is VERY distasteful and biased of the tribune to post. As a Bahamian that didn't vote FNM I am insulted by the tone of this article. As journalists you all are to be more responsible and professional. Bahamians displayed their right to vote for their party of choice and they did and it is UNFAIR for them to be labeled ungrateful because of it. You do NOT know the struggle each Bahamian family went through the last 5 years so for you to deem them ungrateful is distasteful. If you benefited from the FNM govt and HAI then your God given RIGHT was to vote for the FNM like wise if you HADN'T it was your God given right to vote PLP. And by election results, more people had NOT. It saddens me that such a what I thought to be decent News Paper would scold Bahamians for doing what they thought The Bahamas needed. Remember, The Bahamas is made up of Bahamians. I wish no man ill but I will say this, I hope this article causes The Tribune customers. As journalist you guys KNOW better. Whether you all are FNMs or PLPs, when it comes to business the professional thing to do is remain neutral.

On Bahamas has lost a great leader

Posted 9 May 2012, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal