Comment history

Dob says...

Thank you for standing up to your belief Dr. Munroe and the principles of the Bible. What two adults do in private is their own concern and they do not have to make it the public's business or expect for the public to condone it. What is going to be next, are the pedophiles going to be having a parade and insisting on their rights and claiming that they were born that way?

On LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Posted 2 September 2014, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Dob says...

Thank you Dr. Munroe for standing up for your belief and the principles in the Bible. What two consenting adults do in private is their business and they do not have to make it the public's business and expect for everyone to condone their activities. Where are we going to draw the line? Are pedophiles going to be having a parade next and insisting on their rights and claiming that they were born that way? The old saying is true...if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.

On Dob

Posted 2 September 2014, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal