Comment history

Domin1 says...

\What inconsistencies, I said I don't know either? Maybe somewhere along the line I used a do instead of a don't but I know my mind has not changed Agreed on everything else.

Domin1 says...

My posts may seem inconsistent because yesterday the tone was in defense of the Vets and today it is critical of Animal Balance, but above all I was in support of the project the whole time and leaving room for parties to breath and mostly that the public take a step back and let the managers manage. Do you know what the Vets next move is? I don't know either cause they are really busy digging themselves out of this hole that didn't have to be if egos weren't involved on both sides.

Domin1 says...

I read the posts and the letters and I understand it to be: if the $50 for supplies wasn't essential then why would they bring it to the negotiating table if there was such an abundance of supplies provided by the foreign vets? From other posters I inferred that earning on this operation was for year-round care and other essential services for their charitable operations?
I formed an opinion without calling anyone a liar, and when I said I don't know how they arrived at the decision, I mean I don't know what happened after Animal Balance said we're going that they would say OK then go knowing everything at stake.

Domin1 says...

Anyway how would you sum up the negotiations, maybe I did get it wrong?

Domin1 says...

I took the time to read ALL the posts. To paraphrase 'we had no choice but to walk away'

Domin1 says...

I agree they mirrored the tone of 'we're walking away' with 'Buh bye' see ya wouldn't want a be ya, shit we gat this, we gat this!

But now Animal Balance should be either looking elsewhere to work or looking to re-open negotiations, and the Vets Assoc. after saying oh shit, should be re-grouping and maybe reaching out to new partners. But nobody there suddenly lost sight of the objective because Animal Balance is gone and they are not the only possibility to efficiently handle such a volume. But the Vets assoc have not had a second to consider how to get this done, if they do get some time we might find that OP2014 goes on in July instead of January and the only thing that will have changed is Animal Balance's involvement. I do applaud them, they know how to write an influential letter,but use your powers for good instead of evil and find some humility!

Domin1 says...

And I'm saying they had a false start this year with Animal Balance. They are not letting it go, they will re-group, they more than likely will have other partners. so wait maybe I agree with you it doesn't matter who does it. It is THEIR objective to get it done not the Dentists' nor the Butchers', no amount of praying will work (except for a resolution) so the Preacher's have to sit this one out. But any friends that are Vets or girlfriends that are in animal care or PLP's who can donate or FNM's who have contacts with other groups, the Vet assoc might be calling on you for your assistance in this matter.

Animal Balance walked away and then decided with ego and ire to trash talk and manipulate and hold the tourist industry to ransom but to my knowledge what they have not done is written back to Vets assoc to say my bad, let's start again.

So if the end you're looking for is an on-going collaboration, you might start with two organisations that can get along. How are they to work together now? When you walk away you should stay away not haunt the project with the baddest vibes!

Domin1 says...

Yeah we know egos were involved. (I don't even care to whose letter you are referring). Do you have any answers to the last paragraph of my first post today?

It was nice talking to you!

Domin1 says...

Really who walks away from the table after one round of negotiations ? Mafiosos, maybe bullies...if you want understanding you work for it, agreement - work for it! You want to solve a problem you listen and then speak, not walk away then stir the pot!

Dumb decision or not (remains to be seen) the Vets didn't deserve this melee.

Domin1 says...

And more importantly if you think WHO you do business WITH is not most important then I can suggest where you can buy some campaign contributions!