Comment history

Domin1 says...

The VET's association whether it pains anyone to admit, has the right to ask for the opportunity to manage national affairs and the government (PLP or FNM or etc) has an obligation to support them in their development.
This boils down to the enduring argument of whether [charitable] foreign investment is better for the Bahamas so we continue to support the financial and structural growth of their organisation or an economy should be shored up as much as possible by local investment.
The Vet association should have cut their support off after the last event or allow this one to proceed informing the public that it would be the last one; but their timing was their only mistake not the decision to kindly refuse further assistance.
What will be interesting to see is if the widespread criticism of their decision would equate to their being ham-stringed (or in 242 term shot in both knees with a sawed-off so they are sufficiently crippled) or if this widespread acknowledgement of the problem will gain them the support they are seeking.
If this was really a question of the short-term vs. long term solution (because it is cheap for anyone to suggest that not ALL parties involved are interested in the well-being of these animals) then the foreign assistance at last year's event would have led to infrastructural development not the perpetuating of year-on-year dependence.
Funding is what helps a foreign organisation satisfy need and need is essential for funding. The Bahamas does not have to be on the inventory of need for every other organisation to justify fundraising but not our own! Charities are businesses as well and animal welfare (spay/neuter programmes PLUS all the other essential services they donate) is is the business of the Vet's association. I hope despite the criticism they can receive the financial and moral support to continue and in short order establish and maintain functional infrastructure that continues unwaveringly to remedy an anti-social situation.

As an aside, you get disrespectful quick! #partodaproblem?
