Comment history

Domingo says...

The PM has already said that he has no interest in a farce, aka a debate, and I support him in that.If Christie and "2022" want to go before Jones and Nikki Kelly, and spew mindless verbiage and pablum, well, that is their affair. Colour red is all about winning, not pandering, and its winning time!

On DNA repeat call for debate

Posted 12 April 2012, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Domingo says...

Well, those who turned 18 over the holiday weekend will get their chance next time, its as simple as that.

On Chaos after late rush to register for vote

Posted 12 April 2012, 6:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Domingo says...

Yes they should be: there is no reason, none whatsoever to not have registered already. People have to learn to follow rules as there are always consequences.

On Chaos after late rush to register for vote

Posted 11 April 2012, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal