Comment history

DontAssume says...

@moncurcool, recklessness is what they're guilty of, from the onset of their governance - from Top to Bottom.

DontAssume says...

@ Dawes, the cost won't be $500 million, but I assure you it will be costly to the taxpayers, and the true cost will never be divulged because that is what we allow these individuals to get away with.

DontAssume says...

I pray that retribution lands a few of our former and present PLP politicians in the pits of legal hell. These politicians have been and continue to be the thorn in the side of Bahamians, as the working class is held accountable for their corrupt and deplorable behavior.

DontAssume says...

And many of them (politicians) pocketed boatloads of money, for their roles in the fleece. They should all pay!!!!

DontAssume says...

I totally agree with you 100%

The society we live in is one in which we have allowed politicians, their cronies, allies, and bedfellows to mistreat us on a daily basis. They have continually been untouchable, above reproach, and never adequately held accountable. The revolution that is required to address our political issue, must be championed with a broader view orientation...where the standard of our representation is not fraught with corruption and self-servitude from these politicians--we must overcome this tribal mentality (Bahamians must call a spade, a spade).

DontAssume says...

@birdiestrachan...what does "supposedly" being high on any intellectual scale, have to do with common sense and tangible reality. The cost of food is extraordinarily arduous...plain and simple (that fact is not political); however, your deflective diatribe is.

The "rich people" and "businesses" are able to purchase breadbasket items, without being concerned about where additional funds for other bills will be found.

You, a PLP propagandist calling out a FNM propagandist, is the proverbial "pot calling the kettle black". All of you are insensitive to the plight of the destitute in this you are afforded appointments and other financial opportunities on the backs of the hardworking taxpaying Bahamians not in the political-clique.

DontAssume says...

That will never happen because doing so would go against this "New Day" government's Modus Operandi--which is not reporting anything that would be considered negative publicity, and exposure of their failures thus far. They are too occupied with the "Royal Visit" wining-and-dining, organizing, and attending after-parties; to be concerned about the outrageously increasing murder count.

On Man shot dead off East Street

Posted 27 March 2022, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

All of you "politicians" and "political propagandists" need to stop these continual deflection antics; nothing of substance for 6 months. Both parties are guilty of this incensing foolishness, and the idiotic Bahamian masses--the ones who seem not able to discern, swallow hook-line-and-sinker, every time.

On Minnis heckled outside House

Posted 18 March 2022, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

The PLP is more pathetic and corrupt!

DontAssume says...

Birdiestrachan, call it what you may. The spouses, family members, and friends being appointed to boards in the government tell the story that needs to be heard--shouted loud from every mountain top. We will await the "Update" on those Bilateral meetings, from this costly vacation!

On EDITORIAL: Next stop Dubai for Davis

Posted 16 January 2022, 9:49 p.m. Suggest removal