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DrP says...

Why is it that when the issue of cannabis arises, that the media trots out some nobody, self-proclaimed "moral Christian"to tell us all how it should be. There is absolutely no evidence that this man shooting off his uninformed mouth, that deviance, or negative effects arise from the legalization of cannabis. Simply get off your indolent posterior and look at the research results. Those legalized jurisdictions have not befallen to torrents of Godless sin and abandonment. Our friend Bishop Hanchell seems to be living in some villa in the sky, unable to see through the clouds onto reality beneath. Such hubristic, antediluvian, and ersatz moralistic philosophies permeate and percolate at the top. Witness the the same phony nonsense spewed out by the lemming, pensioner politicos who represent themselves/parties, not their constituents.
Why would anyone want to visit the Bahamas when there is the threat of being arrested for, are you ready for it, "Dangerous Drugs".
I believe in Science, not hurtful, dark Christian dogma.