Comment history

DreamerX says...

Nothing being done by DIR with "Large Tax Payers" is suitable or efficient until they can demonstrate a modicum of understanding their own rules and have any documentation for registrants history of matters being resolved and filed. Every time someone gets promoted or someone leaves DIR, if they had your company file, you start at square one for every issue that isn't basic math. They have worse documentation of their own judgements/decisions than they expect companies to have to substantiate VAT and Revenue recognition alongside statutory audits. The audit expense and timing is also high from 20-100k for some companies who never performed full audits on top op Revenue review which is around 1-7k if you have the same accountants performing both roles or 1-25k if they are a different firm performing the review. Not to forget the 1.2k-10k for business license renewal. Which all three have overlapping revenue testing that firms, due to risk of attesting to their filing requirements, charge for the increased risk of misstatement.

99% of DIR staff can only verify the basic completely straight forward business, virtually any other matter seems to require 1 of 2 executives or 1 or 2 senior managers who, by nature of this issue are inundated with calls and discussions causing a bottleneck of various companies trying to get something documented as an approved calculation for filing purposes.

Don't let your company be involved with government projects that generate revenue for the entity, it's even worse.

DreamerX says...

No. Let only your children and children's children feel hunger if that's what you want. You fragment.

DreamerX says...

Not yet. But the Belt and Road initiative has consistently lead down a path for countries handing over more power and concessions than the west has demanded. Africa has gone from 2bil per annum new Chinese debt to 30bil per annum. Saying they don't own the most debt, is like saying the dog hasn't bit me yet as he lunges towards you.

DreamerX says...

Mr. Ping, it will be okay.

DreamerX says...

Nah bro, your drug boat gone.

DreamerX says...


DreamerX says...

Oh yes, this information which has no support from any short or long term studies world wide. Unless you are referring the US "Reefer Madness" faux studies which made Marijuana appear to be stronger than cocaine and by extension crack cocaine... can't be serious..find your brain.

DreamerX says...

I bet they could review your customs declarations and driving and find reasons to fine you for "illegal" acts.

DreamerX says...

Are you saying the Bahamas should try to imprison and pay the costs to hold for years foreigners who can afford to be their own country's problem?

Someone that has family or means to pay their way home versus requiring cost to the government for repatriation? Make it make sense.