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DualCit68 says...

You see people spear fishing, myself included, that has medic first aid training and supplies on our boats because sh** happens! It's called preventive medicine. You hope you don't need it but bey you best believe you bungy if it does you'll be happy ya done did.
Second is proper first aid training. Maybe this poor gal wouldn't have been saved. However look how these boys been bit in Andros and Bimini this year got saved from their bites cause the boat people had training.
Just like my boy said above, anyone can get a business license, no guidelines or regulations to run these tings.
Every time foolishness starts it effects us because we are in no way self sufficient and need tourism. Gov't don't care man. Them tiefs only be caring bout theyselves ya know!

On US family hits out over shark death

Posted 12 July 2019, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

DualCit68 says...

Wake up. Here as we approach another day of Independence you go for blame. Is it whites that have kept us from becoming a great nation that is run by black leaders? No. It's us. Our own people holding us down and tief'n from us. Lest you forget that Egyptian black pharos enslaved tens of thousands for thousands of years. Stop being a victim.

DualCit68 says...

Stupid no. And I’m in no way greedy or in the fishing industry so appears you’re speaking out of typical ignorance.
Do the math here genius, shark attacks send tourist away, bottom line. Sorta like your junglass way of approaching people.
Until the country is self sufficient, and can produce its own substainable way of life tourist and their money remain our backbone.
7 attacks this year in our waters. Since you are obviously not in the know several attacks have not been reported by spear fishermen from the US. Incredibly seasoned ones at that!
And if you had a clue about keeping our ecosystem managed you would understand the need to have a season on certain species. Small minded rock dweller.

On Shark feeding blamed for attacks

Posted 2 July 2019, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

DualCit68 says...

Far too many sharks now. There needs to be a season on tigers, bulls, and reef sharks. Yes all the above is correct with chumming and spearing but it's gotten worse and will get worse until we handle lowering numbers.

On Shark feeding blamed for attacks

Posted 2 July 2019, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

DualCit68 says...

Can we be honest?? This has been going on since our independence. Whomever is in power, whomever stands with them, they ALL rob the country and hide amazing amounts of money.
This isn't about Bahamians. This is about two political parties that are fighting for the right to steal money from us. They are pompous, fat, bloated, greedy monsters that look like Mogabie from Zimbabwe.

Can anyone say VAT?

DualCit68 says...

I know that the people of Long Island have long felt Butler was an absentee landlord. She only would show her face if someone prominent on the island died. Otherwise she was tending to her own personal agenda trying to climb the ladder.
Bout time a change was made and put someone there that gives a rip.

DualCit68 says...

There's the mindset that's set us back decades. If it were happening on US soil every country would do what they did. We included!
Facts man. Tourism is our bread and butter and this nonsense been ;happening for far too long!
And when we start growing our own food, have cattle, produce milk and everything else we need then you can start yapp'n about the US. Until then you best open your eyes.

On Jet ski operators to take action after alert

Posted 8 January 2016, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

DualCit68 says...

If dem gals run they body as much as they run they mouth it would help!

On The Bahamas ranks sixth on obesity list

Posted 11 November 2015, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

DualCit68 says...

The 80's and 90's, Bay Street was a wonderful place to be and walk. Tourist loved it. Shops were busy and clean, straw market was nice.
Now......sad. Just flippn sad.

You wanna see the old Bahamian ways you go to a family island, someplace where these nasty wanna be gangsters wont crowd you.

And less we forget the beach areas of Nassau? Cabbage beach is it. And it aint all that anymore.
You coming to Nassau your options for a nice time are limited.

On DualCit68

Posted 15 September 2015, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DualCit68 says...

You are correct. Apparently my grammar skills are those of our politicians.