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Dynamohum says...

The world will want and need all the energy it can get in the future, our neighbour Cuba is drilling for oil just across our maritime boundary , world class regulations and protocols are being negotiated , I believe the government will look after the environmental interests of our seas and islands whilst at the same time providing an opportunity for the enhancement of our social and economic well being.
Should oil be found the benefit to the Bahamas would be profound, think of Norway, a pristine environment like ours, now because of the gas and oil in its waters one of the richest and prosperous country's in the world, a sovereign wealth fund for the benefit of current and future generations could be the legacy the discovery of hydrocarbons this administration bequeaths
We should ensure tight regulations with accountability and grasp the nettle that the discovery of such resources will bring to the Bahamas, the reward for the current and future generation far outweighs the risk involved