Comment history

ED says...

Over all, pathetic. Yes eliminate duty on meats and other items that help meet people's basic needs but to reduce or eliminate duty on costume jewelry! ,macaroni, spaghetti, ice cream, biscuits, waffles, cakes and pastries - is this a joke!?! Who needs to be encouraged to eat these items? What about encouraging our people to eat healthier by making it more affordable. I assure you if healthy options were more affordable, more people would choose to purchase them for their families. I try to feed my family as healthily as possible but it is VERY difficult, the cost of living is too high and now more than ever. I am sick and tired of leaders that have no vision for the health & future of our country. They throw crumbs at us and expect us to be happy citizens.

ED says...

Mr. Bastian is my hero at this point! Not a one of those in government right now come anything close to getting the respect I have for this gentleman.

We need more people like Mr. Bastian to look after the people's affairs. An honest, hard working man just getting his job done!

Our politicians (especially the current set) are power and money hungry, just looking out for the next party to be photographed at - idiots!!!

ED says...

birdiestrachan, you are delusional or benefiting.
The painting is a sign that we can't take it any longer...we are waking up. This painting is harsh only if you are blinded to the harm this government is doing to our people and country. There are many, many more people in this country that feel what this painting represents but as we know.... victimization / loss of opportunity awaits those that dare speak up. I speak everyday to people who can only shake their heads at this government that COULD have been something good for us but instead decided to follow the same path of those before them. Corruption, deceit, incompetence and selfishness..

Those that are offended by this painting are part of the problem in this country. They are no doubt part of that "D" average holding positions that they are not qualified for and one of those benefiting family, friends and lovers.
This artist took a great risk in the name of those that couldn't, he showed us that we are not alone.

ED says...

From what I’ve heard of Minister Khaalis Rolle, he is a good and right thinking Bahamian. Then, what I cannot for the life of me comprehend is how such a person could align themselves with the PLP. Who the PLP was intended to be, and who they are today is a sad tragedy. So much greed, cronyism, victimization and lying comes from this party that there is nothing left for the people to believe in. All talk and no action, all the time. When we do see action it’s usually late and ill advised, PGC dancing, high cost travel/dining or something done to CYA (cover their a$$).

You, Minister Rolle, are in the wrong place if you really want to do good for country. Unfortunately, you will be painted with the same brush as the company you keep. It is my hope, that you truly open your eyes and leave that culture of corruption that accomplishes nothing for the Bahamas or its people but rather for their own personal interests. They throw the people stale crumbs here and there and it seems to keep their mental slaves happy – So SAD. We are lost as a people, we need good, honest and competent leadership – I don’t know where it is, but I do know where it is not!

ED says...

I agree with Wideawake, let all of the secrets come out now.
I don't care who you are, if you want my vote I will demand that you are not just another crooked politician. I know we have some good in both the PLP and FNM, I want you to look me in the eye and answer my questions. Do you have the best interest of our country in mind when choosing to run for government? When you come around I will ask you if you have done your public disclosures, timeframe within which your party will enact a workable FOIA and much more.
I will let you know straight out that I will not put with your foolishness, I will hold you feet to fire, I will hold you accountable.
I am tired of these crooked politicians pretending they don't know their duties, turning a blind eye to corruption because they're benefiting. Tired of it!

On Rollins: I was lured into trap over Minnis

Posted 18 August 2015, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ED says...

He refuses to respond with the sole intention of not further incriminating themselves. They are covering up illegal dealings/conflicts of interest and his government is in so deep that they are scared.
Does anyone really think Gomez was removed as lead attorney on BahaMar to prevent appearance of collusion? There is some dealing as it relates to Gomez that is rotten there too they're trying erase connections. They are all in on the deceptions one way or another.
I am sickened at the corruption, it hasn't been this bad since Pindling! Brothers and Sisters, we must not stand down and allow them to shut us down. They are as crooked as they come, let us not forget! Please let there be a commission of inquiry! If someone could please explain how we could get this done, kindly do so.

ED says...

An FOIA for the Bahamas is so very important. We all need to support the CBB on this. Our government(s) as they are will fight to keep it diluted and powerless, we must ensure we enable it to be as powerful as possible for the people.

ED says...

I love my country and my people and despair at what is being done to our reputation because of this government. PLP = corruption, the world knew that before but now it is much more clear. I don't' encourage friends and family to come visit the Bahamas. This PLP government is even more crooked than the last - it is not safe to be under the rule of these egomaniacs. Those Bahamians that can and foreigners are leaving....the stench is sickening.

ED says...

NO! This government is anti-Bahamian!!! This government is a disgrace!

ED says...

You have no control over your cabinet!! ha-ha-ha....what an idiot we have for PM. You are a joke and whatever respect you have left can only be found within your cabinet equally mentally unstable followers. Step down and make your way Sandilands.