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ETJ says...

A.R.K. and BHS are ANIMAL welfare organizations - there are precious few of these groups in the Bahamas as it is and you want them to turn their attention to the human prison conditions? Perhaps there would be fewer people incarcerated had they been taught kindness and compassion - including towards animals - from a young age.

What are YOU doing about the conditions at the prison? What group are you affiliated with? If none, why harangue animal welfare people for doing what they are mandated to do?

You would do better to ask the Christian Council, your church, the Salvation Army and others what they're doing about it and please do get involved yourself. You might also ask the government why Amnesty Internationals long standing concerns over the prison have yet to be addressed.

On Ultimatum over surrey horses

Posted 18 September 2013, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ETJ says...


What difference does it make whose dog it was? Actually it's even worse that it was his own personal dog; and what was his dog doing in a police vehicle to begin with?

So once again, the police are above the law. If this officer forgets his child in a car, will he just be given an "informal talk" as well? Or perhaps that would require a "formal talk". This is the caliber of person serving in the RBPF? His superiors are of no higher caliber since they see nothing amiss here.

This is just one more example of why the police have lost respect and credibility in the eyes of much of the public.

ETJ says...

No Environmental Impact Assessment was done for this project.
No public town meeting was called.
No Environmental Management Plan has been produced.

All egregious breaches of the Planning and Subdivisions Act.

The developers insist they have all necessary permits. Why have those permits not been copied and shared with the public? And how were they obtained without following the letter of the law in the Planning and Subdivisions Act?

Never mind the implications of importing wild caught marine mammals re the Marine Mammal Protection Act, never mind CITES and other international treaties which the Bahamas is signatory to.

Never mind that the enclosures already built on the seabed with no EIA and no publicly available permits are absolutely not suitable for one dolphin, never mind two or eight. The first big blow, never mind a tropical storm or hurricane, or cold front, will make short work of those pens, and any dolphins housed there will be battered to death in short order. That's if sunstroke doesn't get them first as the pens are only 7 feet deep at median tide in the very small deepest part.

ETJ says...

This article is unbalanced. The writer did not mention that there is a petition circulating in an effort to stop this atrocity, which in only a few days has garnered almost 3000 signatures.… Ms. Duncombe is a staunch and respected defender of the environment and animals but she is far from alone in her opposition to this venture. Over 40 local and international animal welfare organizations stand in united opposition to this as well. Has the Marine Mammal Protection Act been overturned without the public's knowledge? This country is already infamous for its indifference to animal welfare issues. Cruelty to animals is largely ignored, never mind prosecuted or punished. Are we so blinded by the almighty dollar that we will continue to sanction unethical, inhumane animal exploitation? For this project to have gotten this far with no public disclosure or consult is outrageous. I urge the Tribune to investigate this and report more fairly on it so the public can be better informed. The Bahamas has a unique opportunity to take the high road here. To finally do the right thing and join other ethically advanced nations in denouncing and disallowing further exploitation of dolphins and other marine mammals who have the same rights we do to live their lives freely. We have no right to subjugate them to our pursuit of profits and doing so lessens us as a people and a nation.

ETJ says...

Perhaps the police should not state that they expect no charges to be filed until their investigation is complete, made public and answers all the necessary questions. That reeks of cover up, and begs the question - who is this person related to? Which sadly happens all too often. Police cover up for their own and their friends and nothing is ever done about it. If no breathalyzer or blood test was done, why not? Drunk or not, leaving the scene of an accident is also an offense, and so is reckless driving, excessive speed and vehicular manslaughter. Yes streets should be made safer by keeping them in good repair and providing sidewalks and lights...but police should also enforce traffic laws. I have watched police watch reckless speeders weaving and overtaking and do nothing way too many times. If there are never any consequences for these acts, the dangerous driving will continue unabated, and more people will lose their lives senselessly.