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Elcott2506Coleby says...

The CFATF is scheduled to conduct a risk assessment of the Bahamas' financial in 2015. The online gaming sector will be included in that national. It would be totally irresponsible for the government, any government for that matter, to allow the webshop gaming sector to remain unregulated in the circumstances. The Central Bank, the Compliance Commission and the US State Department have ALL raised red flags about this vexing issue. The government has made a policy decision to legalize and regulate this industry. It was the correct policy decision as it will ensure the integrity of the financial services sector and protect the international reputation of The Bahamas.

To remain a sitting duck and do nothing....well that is foolish and that is being "full of shit." As for the critics who oppose this government policy on gaming, not one, no not one was capable of offering a viable alternative. Thank God the PLP and Perry Christie were governing this country at this time because based on what the critics have been saying, this country was heading for blacklisting of our second largest industry.