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Emac says...


On Dames reveals new prison hope

Posted 7 July 2021, 9:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Nice pipe dream delivered just in time for the upcoming election.

On Dames reveals new prison hope

Posted 7 July 2021, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

So Tal, if we drop the political rhetoric, then what do we have left? The experts are still advising to go for the jab. For what it's worth though, as the Bajans would say, comrade Renward ain't worth Shite!

Emac says...

This is what most are saying about their primary doctor. I guess I failed to mention that some of our doctors are also ill informed. But matter how we look at it, science always wins.

Emac says...

Damn...So many virologist and health experts exist in the Bahamas all of a sudden. My whole theory on this subject is that those who are against taking this vaccine for whatever reason will always be blind to any proven studies or research done by the real experts. They will always reference anything that is anti vaccine, even when unproven and try to make it gospel. The thing is nothing is wrong with being skeptical about taking this vaccine, while it is in trial mode. What is silly however, is the trepidation that exist because of unsubstantiated news and all the other "research doctors" follies. It's funny though. All the anti covid vaxxers have always trusted their doctors whenever their doctors have given any diagnostics or advise. But now suddenly these same people have distrust for these physicians whose advise they have followed for years.

Emac says...

Please stop misconstruing what most Bahamians feel. The whole playing on our emotion and Christian belief thing is getting old. We are simply asking that all guests adhere to the rules of the Bahamas. That's it, cut and dry!