Comment history

Emilio26 says...

It's about time Dr. Minnis reenforced lockdown and curfew because these covid cases are spiralling out of control.

On National address to detail new measures

Posted 26 July 2021, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

Sickened I think Lincoln Bain would make a great PM.

Emilio26 says...

So are you suggesting that the government should those gated communities in New Providence like Lyford Cay, Old Fort Bay, Albany and even Palm Cay take down there walls to any straggler can just walk across their property?

On Wynn in new bid to secure property

Posted 21 July 2021, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

Mandela if the abadoned property is just sitting there rotting away and is also attracting vagrants it is bad for the residents that live on that strip. You probably live in am area where jonsers that's why you seem not to care.

On Wynn in new bid to secure property

Posted 21 July 2021, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

bahamianson well black Bahamian millionaires should start investing in projects like what the Dupuch family has proposed then

Emilio26 says...

The general election is not until next year therefore hold your horses.

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon it's clear as day that you hate Dr. Minnis with a passion.

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon and you really think if Brave Davis is elected that taxes won't be increased? By the way former bank governors James Smith and Julian Francis said that whether the PLP or FNM is elected in 2022 the governing party would have to make tough decisions to bring the Bahamian economy out of recession due to fall out from Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 pandemic. Local Bahamian economist Gowon Bowe even said taxes would likely increase in the future to meet fiscal demands however I'm pretty sure you're aware the Bahamas isn't the only nation in the region to be experiencing hardship due to the global pandemic other nations like the US, Canada, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago are also increasing their tax rates.

Emilio26 says...

carritonr61 the only out of the this 4th wave is more bahamians stop being stubborn and get vaccinated.

Emilio26 says...

It would've been wiser if the Minnis administration had sold the property to a Canadian or British investor.