Comment history

Emilio26 says...

Bobsyeruncle The Bahamas is in serious trouble because half of the population lacks the basic skills they need to function in the modern job market.

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon it seems like Fred Smith wrote this article but the way it is worded only he makes those ridiculous statements.

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon I don't think Brave Davis would've done any better with managing our finances.

Emilio26 says...

John it seems like younger generation is getting worse than the kids that were born in the late 80s and early 90s.

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon it's not only politicians and famous lawyers who are involved in this Quieting Title scheme but also regular bahamian citizens as well. For instance there is a old man in Gambier Village whose name is James Fernander and he is famous for squatting on other people's land in the western area of New Providence. You've probably heard of him but that man goes around searching for vacant and untouched land in areas out west to see if he can claim properties through quieting title. However, I heard this man has stolen alot of land in Tropical Gardens and Gambier Heights which he made a huge profit from them after he sold most of what he quieted.

Emilio26 says...

bogart maybe this will teach kids and young adults that leaving school without a high school diploma or GCSE's is like suicide.

Emilio26 says...

JokeyJack so are you saying the government and the Hayward family would rather Freeport collapse than to do something to help fix the crisis?

Emilio26 says...

Dawes the reality is BPL should've been privatized from the last Ingraham administration.

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon it's strange how the chinese government all of a sudden wants to give the bahamas their vaccines when the United States hasn't even donated their own to us as yet.

On China answer on vaccine supply?

Posted 14 May 2021, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon our public healthcare system urgently needs serious reform ranging from the PHM and the government clinics. There should've been a socialized healthcare system in place decades ago similar to what we see in the UK, Canada and some EU nations however, past and current PLP and FNM administrations have failed to upgrade our healthcare system and and the end result is the bahamian people are reaping what our rulers have sown.