Comment history

Emilio26 says...

I really hope to God that Mr. Izmirlian wins his lawsuit against the sleazy and corrupt China Construction America (CCA). And I also hope that he is reimbursed by CCA and the Bahamian government for all the money that he lost on behalf of the Christie Administration for their negligence and shady dealings.

Emilio26 says...

From the way these politicians from both parties along with the media try to restrict free speech it's clear as day that our country is quickly heading toward a dictatorship. It seems like politicans have a problem when journalist or regular civilians question their actions in public office.

Emilio26 says...

deddie i think Pindling's Bahamianization policy so played a part in the brain drain that we have today in the job market because many educated Bahamiams in the past and even present who either studied here at UB or a foreign university don't bother to come back home to work because of issues like low salary and toxic work environment. However, when certain high skilled positions were vacant instead of Pindling bring in foreign expertise because of lack of qualified Bahamians to fill the position he would put unqualified Bahamians in those positions

Emilio26 says...

At the end of the day both parties are at fault for the poor state our healthcare has been in for the past 50 years. Besides if the PLP and FNM were really serious about fixing our healthcare system they would've adopted the Canadian or European model a long time ago. Unfortunately, Pindling, Ingraham, Christie ,Minnis and Brave have failed us all.

Emilio26 says...

joeblow I agree with you 💯 and furthermore I remember that former Minister of Transport under the FNM Frankie Campbell openly admitted four or five years years ago on Darold Miller's talkshow that his mother who is a Haitian national that came to this country illegally on a boat.

On Minnis: We have an immigration crisis

Posted 24 January 2023, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

sheeprunner12 well the Americans and Jamaicans celebrate their independence here in the Bahamas and folks here don't have a problem with it but nevertheless you have a problem with Haitian Flag Day.

Emilio26 says...

I feel like Lincoln Bain is obviously doing this for political motives.

Emilio26 says...


On FTX founder extradited

Posted 23 December 2022, 10:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

It sounds like Chester Cooper is very naive.

Emilio26 says...

jailem well is there actually a law that says Bahamian citizens or residents are prohibited from holding overseas accounts?