Comment history

Emilio26 says...

CaptainCoon actually I agree with on your statement. The quieting titles act is a dangerous and devastating bill that has hurt many bahamian citizens and even foreign investors. I've heard of many people here in Nassau and on the family islands who have lossed their property along with their hard earn money because someone else has squatted on the land and were able to claim squatters rights.

Emilio26 says...

Are you serious that Minnis is calling an early election next month?

On Health unions urge govt - act now

Posted 1 April 2021, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

I wonder if Bahamians would be allowed on the beach at Lighthouse Point in Eleuthera once Disney completes their project?

Emilio26 says...

Well_mudda_take_sic actually I don't see many bahamians visiting tmthe lighthouse on Paradise Island.

On PI entrepreneur: PM gave me assurance

Posted 1 April 2021, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

happyfly actually one of these the reasons why Texas got rid of its mask mandate is because a fair number of people in the state have already been vaccinated so they could afford to drop the mask mandate where unlike in the bahamas only a few thousand people have been vaccinated so far.

Emilio26 says...

Those perpetrators who presented false COVID test need to prosected to the fullest extent of law for putting other lives at risk.

Emilio26 says...

xtreme2z it's sad how bahamians have a crappy healthcare system.

Emilio26 says...

SP I wonder why after all these years the Bahamas doesn't have adequate universal healthcare?

Emilio26 says...

Well_mudda-take_sic you are very delusional and misinformed. In case you haven't realized there have been a fair number gay people here in the Bahamas for over 30 years.

On Former Governors General back yes vote

Posted 1 April 2021, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

SP from reading your comments it seems to me that you are a racist and a homophobe.

On Former Governors General back yes vote

Posted 1 April 2021, 8:56 a.m. Suggest removal