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EnoughIsEnough says...

never in my life did I think i would agree with this man but here I am....agreeing. The religious leaders who continue to speak of hate and intolerance on a weekly basis and do nothing to unite us as a people and a nation but instead continue to create great divides are at fault. Branville was a disappointment but I don't think anyone cared how he voted. Dr. Minnis showed weakness by not standing up for this referendum and instead saying his vote was private and personal - are you kidding me?? Without the fear mongering and hate and intolerance that continues to be preached and lived in our "christian" country this bill could have and should have passed. We will never move forward as a nation as long as this backward, exclusive thinking is allowed to control the everyday Bahamian as well as those in power.

EnoughIsEnough says...

what an idiotic woman. at times like these i am ashamed of my fellow countrymen. she has an opinion without reading the bills? and you all support her? are you all living under a rock? do you really believe that in a country so backwards thinking, so intolerant, so judgemental, so ignorant, so full of hate for others, that our politicians have a secret agenda to support the LGBTQ movement (which by the way is very small and insignficant compared to the number of paedophiles and child molesters living among you)? seriously? how ridiculous can you people be? this is about equal rights for all -men and women, regardless of who you want to sleep with. regardless of how much you have cheated on your wife, regardless of how many outside children you have and don't care for, regardless of who you choose to love or whether you want to wear dresses or pants. This country, where once upon a time the black man was not permitted into certain restaurants, stores, movie theatres, where black men were once slaves due to the same level of ignorance and pathetic justification - really people? You want to judge others with the same pathetic yardstick by which you were judged (and found unacceptable and inhumane) yet now it's okay. Wow, just wow, what a great bunch of "christians" you are...

EnoughIsEnough says...

i completely support equal rights for all, including LGBTQ. I have absolutely no issue with transgender, with transvestites, with gay marriage. Doesn't phase me one bit, not my lifestyle but who I am to judge - I'm liberal that way. I would vote in support of any of these bills (marriage for the above) should they ever come to pass. however, i am quite frustrated that with the level of ignorance and intolerance that exists in our country, Erin Greene continues to muddy the waters even further by speaking out on this referendum. Every time she speaks it creates more fear and paranoia in the minds of those who are close-minded and fearful, and the equal rights for which she is fighting, and that are so important to all of us - male, female, straight or gay - are put in jeopardy. I have a lot of gay friends and speaking to many of them, most of them have no interest in pursuing marriage in the Bahamas. Many of them have indicated that they wish she would sit by quietly and let this referendum pass - let the small battles pass in order to win the war (ie the war to have everyone treated equally under the law). I am very angry that a cause that I would support may lead to the downfall of this referendum. I am very angry at and disappointed in the level of ignorance and hate that exists in this country - a country of majority of blacks who at one point in time were treated less than equal because of the same sort of ignorant, bigoted and selfish thinking. So what if someone wants to be with someone else of the same sex? Really? That shouldn't be an issue - and it certainly has nothing to do with this referendum. Stop feeding into unjustified paranoias and deal with the facts - do your research. If one day there is a referendum to legalize gay marriage then use your no vote then, but to deny equality and fairness to all in the courts of law, well, I don't know what to say. I'm sickened by my fellow Bahamians right now.

EnoughIsEnough says...

hilarious! i like it! let us know if it works :)

EnoughIsEnough says...

looks like!

On ‘No way landfill can break even’

Posted 22 April 2016, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

these rules seem very extreme. this means that there can be no drone coverage of an outdoor concert or event, of a rally or protest, or of pretty much anywhere in nassau since most areas are congested / populated / have persons or are near the airport. so essentially they are banning drone use throughout the island of new providence. under what circumstances will they be making exceptions and giving special permission -very curious to see who is favored here...

On Warning over drone use in Love Beach area

Posted 22 April 2016, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

better question - who will they be voting for in 2017....

EnoughIsEnough says...

excellent point by Carl Bethel - was Maynard-Gibson able to address that?

On Court backlog down by 322

Posted 19 April 2016, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

the tribune should investigate who has the management contract for the scrap yard. and after the comments by Mr. Miller in this article, demanding attention to the situation by his party, I think all Bahamians look forward to see him and his thousands of Tall Pines constituents who have suffered this for years, protesting en masse with all of the "light skinned" people and others at the next demonstration. someone make sure to tell him about it since he doesn't seem to read the paper or follow social media and was unaware 1) that the dump "situation" was still going on and 2) the group RABL was holding a silent protest at the IDB conference demanding improvements at the very same dump!

EnoughIsEnough says...

i agree with Publius - the coverage could have been much better. the media have drones - they could have attempted aerial footage. they could have found out the true number before guessing themselves - there were many "people" counters and even the police i believe estimated close to 1500 - so between 1000 and 1500 were there. this was a momentous and meaningful event in the Bahamas and to be so downplayed by the media is sad. i was there and friends were there and so many people indicated this was one of the most important things they had ever done and felt like they finally could be heard.