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Equalizzer says...

The story of Adam and Eve is interpreted just fine by Dr. Monroe, I don't know why you, "ladies" want to change God first into Gender non-specific, doing away with "Father". Then you, want to be equal with men, which is perfectly fine, because you are. I don't believe God, Dr. Monroe, neither do I, mean you, or any woman harm, abuse, or malady. So please pack up your witch hunt, and aim it somewhere else. With the power of the typed, or printed word you possess, why not aim at Debeers, who has stolen 90% of the worlds diamonds from the richest continent in the world, where the poorest people live. Have not compensated any of the countries therein with a dime. Or, how they are killing our young men, and prosecuting our young Black Men, and Women, for the same crimes they let white men go free for. Wisdom says, pick your battles, this one my Lady is a poor choice on your part. Misplaced energy is wasted effort. Life is short, use it wisely.