Comment history

Eve says...

The inter island health visa has been eliminated.

On Health travel visa halted for locals

Posted 10 December 2021, 11:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

I had to apply for a Bahamas Health Visa for myself and my husband a few weeks ago. You need to set up an account for each person, each with a different email address. That is rough. What if you have a spouse and 4 kids. That is 6 applications. The server is buggy. I put everything in and it would not submit. The airline will not let you board without an approved application. When we got to the airport they wanted a QR code as well, something that the Bahamas Health Visa does not provide. If it had been my husband doing it, we would not be here.

On Health travel visa halted for locals

Posted 9 December 2021, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

We need to test to find out who is infected and then isolate the infected for two weeks or when ever they test negative. That is the only way to stop the spread.

On Four new confirmed cases of COVID-19

Posted 16 April 2020, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

Is there a place where I can buy masks?

On Four new confirmed cases of COVID-19

Posted 15 April 2020, 9:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

I stood in line at Super Value from 7 am. Got in around 8:30 am only to find they have no milk. Why is that? Too early? This will be my third week with no milk and I normally drink it daily.

On Shopping schedule suspended for one week

Posted 15 April 2020, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Eve says...

There is a 5 minute test for antibodies being used by Canada, the US and all of Europe. They are cheap and this country can't test people with symptoms? You will show antibodies after 4 or 5 days of having the virus so it would work for the lady having trouble breathing. Plus she should be in the hospital on oxygen. Not a respirator, just oxygen.

Eve says...

Could you let the liquor stores deliver. I have no idea why delivery was stopped. That was the safest way to buy.

Eve says...

One vaccine makers says July and another says Sept. Not that far away. But as long as you do not put unwashed hands or anything else on your face, mouth, nose and eyes, you are close to safe.

Eve says...

Canada has now joined the US and Europe in using the fast 5 minute test. It tests for antibodies so will only show who had it and who got it 5-6 days ago. Planning is much easier when you know who is now immune and who is sick. The people who are immune can go back to work. The people who are sick, isolate.

Eve says...

Case numbers in the world are flattening. Iran, China, S Korea are opening up stores again. Sweden never closed theirs or their businesses. Hopefully this country with a max number of 5 cases in one day can stop the foolishness and open up the country again. I really hope I can get some milk on Tues or Wed. It has been two weeks.