Comment history

Exodus says...

That "scourge" as y'all call him provides more jobs than probably all of you combined in this comment section. What have any of you contributed to this country 🤨?

Exodus says...

Not even close

Exodus says...

Not even close, you do know he doesn't own island luck right?Also operating a business like organized gambling is VERY expensive. Check out Forbes list and you can see there aren't many billionaires that own casino's. He has a huge group if millionaire friends behind him though.

Exodus says...

This is a country of mediocrity.
A huge plantation where nothing works.

Nothing works.!!!! It's like we playing dolly house,
And the elite's love it that way.

Exodus says...


Exodus says...

Here's a thought,
it's here deal with it.
By letting the YOUNG plan it...
To many baby boomers still making decisions in this country

Exodus says...

😏 So we all just going to ignore the fact that this man is 85 yrs old..****

Exodus says...

Disappointing performance by the people, for doing the same thing and expecting change.
Hats off to the DNA and the Coalition, next generation will be different (independent thinker's)..

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 17 September 2021, 1:09 a.m. Suggest removal