Comment history

ExposedU2C says...


ExposedU2C says...

There is good reason for the drawer or payee of a cheque to mark on the back of it *"For deposit only to account of payee"* if there is no need to leave the cheque subject to being cashed or deposited by endorsement to another person's account.

ExposedU2C says...


ExposedU2C says...


ExposedU2C says...

Doofus Ryan Pinder is a globalist idiot who is loyal and beholden to any and everything international no matter what the disastrous economic consequences may be for the Bahamian people. While Trump drinks Diet Coke and puts the interests of America first, the likes of Pinder and Davis continue to drink toxic kool-aid and put the interests of the globalist alphabet soup organisations and the ChiComs first and the interests of the Bahamas dead last. As for Kevin Moree, well he's just another .......... Those who know him know what I mean.

ExposedU2C says...


ExposedU2C says...

Photo shows how much she likes to wear her corruption.

On Doctors resume talks with govt

Posted 24 January 2025, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Not if it's denominated in Bahamian dollars.

ExposedU2C says...

It has never been easier for the insatiably greedy and most despicable Snake to fleece the Bahamian people and foreigners that come to our shores whenever he can. And this boisterous crooked lout likes to think of himself as an astute businessman who can do much to save The Bahamas. What a joke!!

On ‘Business ease fix just not so simple’

Posted 21 January 2025, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

The IMF never talks seriously about what we can and should be doing to reduce the outrageously bloated size of our very costly and non-productive government. They are a useless and meddling bureaucratic organisation that would prefer to see all Bahamians taxed to death.