I suspect many Bahamians would be shocked to know just how financially dependent Colina Insurance has become on the Bahamian government. And because of gaping disclosure loop holes in the accounting standards used by the publicly listed Colina group to prepare its quarterly and annual financial statements, the group is not required to disclose the enormous concentration of business and credit risk it has to the Bahamian government. Not good!
So Chester the Jester, please explain why the vast majority of the Bahamian people are not deriving any real economic benefits from this so called 'record year for tourism'. Is it because only a few senior politicians like yourself have been well greased by the cruise line companies and port operators for allowing them to greatly enrich themselves off of the best assets our country has to offer while discharging tons of toxic pollutants into our air and territorial waters?
Pray tell Chester the Jester, why are our taxes and fees of every kind increasing, our national debt soaring out of control, and our annual deficits ever increasing, all during times when we have record tourist arrivals? Do you really think we are all as stupid as you obviously think we are?
Perhaps Jibrilu can explain what's going on here given the very cozy relationship she enjoys with the corrupt cruise line operators like RCL, Carnival, Disney, and so on.
LMAO. Our more corrupt senior politicians like Davis, Munroe and Mitchell can sense what is about to come from a no-nonsense U.S. Administration, and it ain't gonna be pretty for them.
Corrupt PM Davis, the insatiably greedy Snake and the very unsavory Tony Ferguson are the three main instigators behind this most outrageous seizing of control over our nation's electrical power generation and distribution systems for mere pennies on the dollar of true value. These three marauders are the principal architects behind this most brazen and unconscionable rip-off of the Bahamian people. They must be held fully responsible and accountable for the likely illegal and other wrongful acts that underpin the highly questionable deals they structured for acceptance by our foolish corrupt government.
Under the guise and ruse of saving BPL/BEC from inevitable collapse, Davis, Snake and Ferguson are seeking to greatly and unjustly enrich themselves, and their participating cabal of marauders, by seizing majority control of the state-owned energy monopoly that is not only of paramount importance to our nation's economic well-being, but is vital to our national security interests.
There was no price discovery of the assets involved here through a competitive bidding process and almost zero transparency behind the more critical aspects of the deal that should have been fully disclosed to, discussed with, and blessed by the Bahamian people, well before proceeding to the signing of any contracts. Also, the possibility of government instead entering into a management arrangement rather than a transfer of ownership and control was not explored.
Neil Hartnell is persistent in his failure to mention to The Tribune's readers that the Bahamian people have been left saddled with the $700+ million of outstanding loans and capitalised interest relating to the 'old' BEC that have since been rolled up into our national debt because they were guaranteed by government. The marauders should not be allowed take the profitable assets and leave the Bahamian people with the debts that paid for them.
If the leadership of the FNM is unable to bring about justice for the Bahamian people by preventing this outrageous heist of national assets, then they do not deserve the trust of the voters come the next general election.
And Pintard has yet to publicly announce that if he becomes PM his first order of business would be to completely undo what would be tantamount to an unconstitutional giveaway of our nation's energy sector to a cabal of marauders led by, of all the unethical business people, the insatiably greedy Snake and very unsavory Tony Ferguson with his Greek Master in the background.
Many financially struggling Bahamians would no longer be able to afford electricity because the greedy Snake and unsavory Ferguson with their cabal of marauders would greatly increase existing electricity rates to achieve the sustained windfall level of profitability they are now drooling at the prospect of entirely pocketing for themselves.
This most corrupt Davis led PLP government, which has thrown FOIA under the bus, is ascribing to itself power that it was never intended to have under our Constitution. Under the guise of a Public-Private-Partnership, our nation's vital state owned assets, important to our national security, are literally being given away for pennies on the dollar of true value to the cabal of marauders with no open bidding process or public hearings having been done so that the people could rightfully weigh-in on this matter with their voice.
I would posit this matter is of such national importance that it warrants, under our Constitution, the approval of the Bahamian people by way of a duly held national referendum, with assurances from the government that it will respect the outcome the referendum. Pintard should be demanding a national referendum.
I suspect both Eric Pike and Brave Davis are beginning to rue the day they decided to get involved in the 'taking" for pennies on the dollar of true value of our nation's electrical power generation and distribution systems using highly questionable deals structured by the very unsavory Tony Ferguson with his Greek Master and the insatiably greedy Snake patiently waiting in the background for their opportunity to begin charging most of BPL's existing customers with outrageously exorbitant electricity rates starting this coming summer.
Eric Pike would be wise to consult a suitably qualified U.S. attorney about the provisions of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act that come into play for U.S. citizens who may inadvertently or otherwise find themselves embroiled (for self-gain) in corrupt practices involving a foreign government.
ExposedU2C says...
LOL. Poor use of ChatGBT.
On ‘Record year for tourism’ with cruise passenger rise
Posted 6 February 2025, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
I suspect many Bahamians would be shocked to know just how financially dependent Colina Insurance has become on the Bahamian government. And because of gaping disclosure loop holes in the accounting standards used by the publicly listed Colina group to prepare its quarterly and annual financial statements, the group is not required to disclose the enormous concentration of business and credit risk it has to the Bahamian government. Not good!
On Security force insurance arrears ‘within tolerance’
Posted 6 February 2025, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
Few in government are more corrupt and stupid than Chester the Jester.
On Grand Lucayan ‘important’ but GB needs more - DPM
Posted 6 February 2025, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
So Chester the Jester, please explain why the vast majority of the Bahamian people are not deriving any real economic benefits from this so called 'record year for tourism'. Is it because only a few senior politicians like yourself have been well greased by the cruise line companies and port operators for allowing them to greatly enrich themselves off of the best assets our country has to offer while discharging tons of toxic pollutants into our air and territorial waters?
Pray tell Chester the Jester, why are our taxes and fees of every kind increasing, our national debt soaring out of control, and our annual deficits ever increasing, all during times when we have record tourist arrivals? Do you really think we are all as stupid as you obviously think we are?
Perhaps Jibrilu can explain what's going on here given the very cozy relationship she enjoys with the corrupt cruise line operators like RCL, Carnival, Disney, and so on.
On ‘Record year for tourism’ with cruise passenger rise
Posted 6 February 2025, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
LMAO. Our more corrupt senior politicians like Davis, Munroe and Mitchell can sense what is about to come from a no-nonsense U.S. Administration, and it ain't gonna be pretty for them.
On Haiti mission goes on despite US fund freeze
Posted 6 February 2025, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
Corrupt PM Davis, the insatiably greedy Snake and the very unsavory Tony Ferguson are the three main instigators behind this most outrageous seizing of control over our nation's electrical power generation and distribution systems for mere pennies on the dollar of true value. These three marauders are the principal architects behind this most brazen and unconscionable rip-off of the Bahamian people. They must be held fully responsible and accountable for the likely illegal and other wrongful acts that underpin the highly questionable deals they structured for acceptance by our foolish corrupt government.
Under the guise and ruse of saving BPL/BEC from inevitable collapse, Davis, Snake and Ferguson are seeking to greatly and unjustly enrich themselves, and their participating cabal of marauders, by seizing majority control of the state-owned energy monopoly that is not only of paramount importance to our nation's economic well-being, but is vital to our national security interests.
There was no price discovery of the assets involved here through a competitive bidding process and almost zero transparency behind the more critical aspects of the deal that should have been fully disclosed to, discussed with, and blessed by the Bahamian people, well before proceeding to the signing of any contracts. Also, the possibility of government instead entering into a management arrangement rather than a transfer of ownership and control was not explored.
Neil Hartnell is persistent in his failure to mention to The Tribune's readers that the Bahamian people have been left saddled with the $700+ million of outstanding loans and capitalised interest relating to the 'old' BEC that have since been rolled up into our national debt because they were guaranteed by government. The marauders should not be allowed take the profitable assets and leave the Bahamian people with the debts that paid for them.
If the leadership of the FNM is unable to bring about justice for the Bahamian people by preventing this outrageous heist of national assets, then they do not deserve the trust of the voters come the next general election.
On Sands: Come clean on energy deal
Posted 6 February 2025, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
And Pintard has yet to publicly announce that if he becomes PM his first order of business would be to completely undo what would be tantamount to an unconstitutional giveaway of our nation's energy sector to a cabal of marauders led by, of all the unethical business people, the insatiably greedy Snake and very unsavory Tony Ferguson with his Greek Master in the background.
Many financially struggling Bahamians would no longer be able to afford electricity because the greedy Snake and unsavory Ferguson with their cabal of marauders would greatly increase existing electricity rates to achieve the sustained windfall level of profitability they are now drooling at the prospect of entirely pocketing for themselves.
This most corrupt Davis led PLP government, which has thrown FOIA under the bus, is ascribing to itself power that it was never intended to have under our Constitution. Under the guise of a Public-Private-Partnership, our nation's vital state owned assets, important to our national security, are literally being given away for pennies on the dollar of true value to the cabal of marauders with no open bidding process or public hearings having been done so that the people could rightfully weigh-in on this matter with their voice.
I would posit this matter is of such national importance that it warrants, under our Constitution, the approval of the Bahamian people by way of a duly held national referendum, with assurances from the government that it will respect the outcome the referendum. Pintard should be demanding a national referendum.
On Sands: Come clean on energy deal
Posted 6 February 2025, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
I suspect both Eric Pike and Brave Davis are beginning to rue the day they decided to get involved in the 'taking" for pennies on the dollar of true value of our nation's electrical power generation and distribution systems using highly questionable deals structured by the very unsavory Tony Ferguson with his Greek Master and the insatiably greedy Snake patiently waiting in the background for their opportunity to begin charging most of BPL's existing customers with outrageously exorbitant electricity rates starting this coming summer.
Eric Pike would be wise to consult a suitably qualified U.S. attorney about the provisions of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act that come into play for U.S. citizens who may inadvertently or otherwise find themselves embroiled (for self-gain) in corrupt practices involving a foreign government.
On Sands: Come clean on energy deal
Posted 6 February 2025, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
On Sands: Come clean on energy deal
Posted 6 February 2025, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
Yup, Neil Hartnell must have had a major conniption in reading the truth about himself. LOL
On Regulator promises swift action on Athol Island ‘non-compliance’
Posted 6 February 2025, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal