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Why would the Speaker call the Police! This should have never happened! There is no respect at all! What about the order that the PM gave to shut down the webshops! Why did'nt the police carry out those orders! Someone has to answer!


Mr. Christie, can you tell us whats happening with the case involving your Deputy Leader? The Gun charges involving your Minister of Education?


How can the Police raise a hand to touch the Opposition Leader! He did nothing wrong, do not try to flip the script! thats what the PLP like to do, trying to make people believe the FNM's are unruly. Intelligent people know better! The opposition is correct in questioning the regulations! Educate yourselves please.


Posted 8 August 2013, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal


Just go and get all those Tapes on past meetings in the house! The PLP has always been acting like animals in the House of Assembly! I think if you rewind you will see just how stupid and immature they act! This is not about politics, its about order! Mr. Minnis is not against Stem Cell, please read his communication on it. Sorry, but this Gov't is incompetent! We had an honest government in party, we took them out, all because of selfish gains. When Bahamians start to stand up for Country First instead of self, then we can begin to move forward! Shameful!


Posted 8 August 2013, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal


How Stupid does this PLP Government think some of us Bahamians are? name the companies! We have a right to know...this is just one way of sneaking those numbers boss owners into this mix...They have not even dealt with the illegal numbers gambit! No prosecutions or confiscation of illegal assets acquired by these numbers bosses! Please For God's sake, this Government needs to GO!!! Just watch...we want the names of all those Bahamian owners who applied for a Casino License! I thought the law states that Bahamians cannot become casino owners! Have we done a KYC on the Bahamian owners, like where did they get their monies. check out Aventura Group!!! from where did they get their funds to become so rich! What a joke, these corrupt officials need to be investigated!


amen mr. leonard! spot on! i have said it before, that the objective of WTO/UN and all those other bodies/entitities who are jealous of the Bahamas' growth, is to make our destination less attractive and as bad as their inhumane Countries, who will tax their citizens to poverty! its all greed! What is happening to Sovreignty?! wake up tax free havens, they are trying to destroy us! all those tax free jurisdictions need to stand together, united to say to the wto/un and all those who interfere in other countries afffairs to stop! Sure Governments need revenue to take care of infrastructures, etc, but then again, we should be able to sit down ourselves and solve our revenue problems without interference. Find reasonable ways to do so, not tax people who already make small wages to poverty! A one time Corporate tax is all that is needed, then we need to budget within our means, downsize all those overstaffed Government Corporations, and privatize some in order to cut cost. We also have a bigger problem in this country, Corruption, greed and incompetency, mixed with bad management. Bahamians also need to stop the lazy culture and get involved; read, keep current of whats going on in your country, especially know just how much money the Government takes in and how much is wasted and high theft rates.

On Vat branded as 'huge mistake'

Posted 6 August 2013, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal


regulations folks: read on, research on....…

After a long period of public and policy consultation
Parliament enacted the Assisted Human Reproduction Act
(AHRA) in March 2004 ending over a decade and a half
of attempts to create national ART policy. The AHRA is a
national regulatory scheme in which controlled activities
may only be done subject to a license. The AHRA is
modeled on the United Kingdom’s Human Ferilisation
and Embryology Act, 1990. While the AHRA covers the
derivation of embryonic stem cell lines, it does not cover
secondary use of those cell lines.
Sections 5 and 7 of the AHRA outline acts that are
prohibited and subject to criminal sanction. These include:

reproductive and therapeutic/research
human cloning (s.5(1)(a))

creating in vitro embryos for any purpose other than
to create a human being (or for improving or providing
instruction in AHR procedures) (s.5(1)(b))

creating one embryo from a cell, or any other part,
of another embryo or fetus for reproductive purposes,
or transplanting an embryo so created into a human
being (s.5(1)(c))

maintaining an embryo outside the female body
for more than 14 days (s.5(1)(d))

sex selection (except to prevent, diagnose or treat
a sex-linked disorder or disease) (s.5(1)(e))

germ-line gene alteration (s.5(1)(f))

the transfer of a non-human sperm, ovum, embryo
or fetus into a human (s.5(1)(g))

the use of any human reproductive tissue or in vitro
embryos that has previously been implanted in a
non-human (s.5(1)(h))

the creation of a chimera, or the transplant of a
chimera into a human or non-human life form
(s.5(1)(i)) NB: Chimera means an embryo into which
a cell of any non-human life form has been
introduced; or b) an embryo that consists of cells
of more than one embryo, fetus or human being

the creation of a hybrid for reproductive
purposes (s.5(1)(j))

the purchase, offer to purchase or advertise for
the purchase of human gametes from a donor or
a person acting on their behalf (s.7(1))

the purchase, offer to purchase, or advertisement
for the purchase of an in vitro embryo (s.7(offering a donor to purchase, or to advertise for the
purchase of, a human cell (or gene), for the purpose
of creating a human being (s.7(3))
Of particular interest are the prohibitions against cloning
for research purposes, the creation of embryos for
research purposes and the criminalization of commercial
transactions in human reproductive tissues.

Read on.....

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 4 August 2013, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal


regulations folks! minnis is right! do some research yourselves before you involve politics.

Stem cell controversy

The debates surrounding stem cell research primarily are driven by methods concerning embryonic stem cell research. It was only in 1998 that researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison extracted the first human embryonic stem cells that were able to be kept alive in the laboratory. The main critique of this research is that it required the destruction of a human blastocyst. That is, a fertilized egg was not given the chance to develop into a fully-developed human.

When does life begin?

The core of this debate - similar to debates about abortion, for example - centers on the question, "When does life begin?" Many assert that life begins at conception, when the egg is fertilized. It is often argued that the embryo deserves the same status as any other full grown human. Therefore, destroying it (removing the blastocyst to extract stem cells) is akin to murder. Others, in contrast, have identified different points in gestational development that mark the beginning of life - after the development of certain organs or after a certain time period. The word 'stem' does not occur in the New Testament of the Bible, and such a Hebrew word as "stem", found only in Isaiah 11:1, also means "stock", found also in Job 14:8 and Isaiah 14:24; the latter of thrice mention noting a bad ending, aka groundead to the point of extinction.

Legal issues

The stem cell debate has risen to the highest level of courts in several countries. Production of embryonic stem cell lines is illegal in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, and Ireland, but permitted in Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK. In the United States, it is not illegal to work with or create embryonic stem cell lines. However, the debate in the US is about funding, and it is in fact illegal for federal funds to be used to research stem cell lines that were created after August 2001.

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 4 August 2013, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal


Too many crooks are protected in this Country, the likes of the Deputy Chairman?! Did he not get fired from another Company for Creative Accounting!!!?that is the words on the streets, hmmmmmm!, etc.. etc.....And what do "We The People" do! nothing! we just sit and complain, then sit some more, and watch this corrupt government run this place as if it belongs to them and their opportunist supporters. Some Bahamians look out for "Self" first, not "Country First", that will be this Countries down fall and eventual Ruin! wake up, stand up bahamians!

On Commission's top executive departs

Posted 4 August 2013, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal


The Pope was speaking with two tongues; in the one breath he admonishes love to all people no matter who they are, and then he uses salvation and repentence, but at the same time, it could appear or be construed that he supports Gays. A very cunning way to play it safe Mr. Pope. We all know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and what God has to say about this Sin and all others, Myles does not need to prove anything, that is and has already been written in the good book. Homsexuality is an abomonation! period, stop! So stop calling people homophobia and all those other words. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. So people, get on with life, those who continue sin have to seek their own salvation, the problem is when alternative lifestyle people try to throw in your face that is natural to sleep with the same sex, and they have no equal rights, sure they have rights, if you want to leave your earthly possessions to your lover or whatever, who's stopping you, because no matter how you slice it, a same sex marriage will never be the same as what God ordained to be between a Man and a Women.